Chapter 26: I'm back!!

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The air was cool and crisp, with a certain deadness in the air. The wind bit at (Y/n)'s face as he stood in the pitch black night.

"You... did.... this...." a harsh dead voice rang through the black void piercing his ears like a knife.

"Your.... fault...." it called, a sharp razor cutting at his head.

"Where are you?" (Y/n) called, but his voice was lost to dark of the night.

"Murderer...." (Y/n) clapped his hands against his ear to no avail, the voice seemed to cut through his hands.

"Leave me alone!" He tried to cry, the words getting caught in his throat.

"Who are you?" (Y/n) said, his voice shaking with fear, barely more than a whisper.

From the shadows a dead rotting hand protruded. (Y/n) could see where the flesh had fallen off leaving a clear view to the bone underneath.

He tried to run, but found his legs rooted to the ground.

"No..... escape....." the voice cried out with a chorus of repeats flying from the void, each word crashing into his ears and bouncing around in his head.

"G-get away from me" (Y/n) stammered clutching at his head. "G-get out of my head"

The rotting hand reached up and caressed
(Y/n)'s face slowly. He tried to recoil from the touch, to get as far away as possible but he couldn't move a muscle.

The hand was cold as ice, freezing his skin with the slightest touch. Out of the dark a wolf's howl pierced his ears.

A scream cut through the night and...


(Y/n) awoke laying flat on the floor his head hurt from where he banged it falling out of bed.

"Get me down!" Ron's voice cried. (Y/n) looked up and saw a very red faced Ron hanging in the air by his ankle, and a flustered Harry rapidly flipping through pages in his potions textbook.

The others in the dorm were doubled over laughing. "Harry do you know what you're doing?" (Y/n) asked slightly amused, slightly worried.

"Yeah of course" Harry said flipping frantically "maybe" he muttered before finally stopping on a page, his eyes moving rapidly across the page.

He snacked up his wand and there was a bright flash of light and Ron fell onto to his bed.

"Next time Harry" Ron said getting up from his bed. "Just set a bloody alarm."

Ron's mood quickly brightened and by breakfast he was already regaling the tale to all that would listen.

"... and then there was another bright flash of light" Ron said brandishing his arms widely. "And I was back on the bed again" He finished with a chuckle, before reaching across Hermione to grab a sausage.

"Was this spell by any chance one of the princes's?" Hermione asked stiffly.

"Well... yeah. But so what? Why does that matter?" Harry asked defensively.

"So you decided to try out an unknown handwritten spell?" Hermione asked Harry, who was visibly trying to work his way out of the question.

"So what if it was handwritten?" Harry asked completely ignoring the rest of the question.

"Because Harry" (Y/n) jumped in. "If it was handwritten it's probably untested and not safe"

"Oh come off it it was a laugh" Ron said waving his fork around, the sausage on it flopping slightly.

"Ron who knows what side effects that spell has! For all you know all your hair could fall out and your ears turn purple" (Y/n) countered, to which Ron shrank back in his seat and ran his hand through his hair and grabbed at his ears.

"Really (Y/n)?" Harry said exasperatedly, hesitant but exasperated. "This is the type of spell Fred and George would use, and my dad actually I saw- lupin told me" Harry said quickly stopping mid sentence and changing his words.

"Maybe your dad did use it but he's not the only one" Hermione added "there was a certain group of people who found fun in dangling muggles by their legs and spinning them around during the quidditch cup"

"Not to mention Harry they used it on me in the graveyard" this shut the two of them up for a bit.

"That was different" Harry said quietly.

"Yeah they we abusing it" Ron added in jumping to Harry's defense "not like Harry or his dad they were just having a laugh"

(Y/n) noticed that Harry flinched slightly at this, and he saw that he looked almost regretful.

"You don't like the prince do you Hermione? Because he's better than you at potions" Ron teased her.

"That's not the reason" Hermione said, rather too quickly as her faces turned slightly red.

"For all we know, Ron, this prince bloke could've been one of Tommy's little goons, or even Tommy boy himself." (Y/n) told them.

"We already know he kept a diary" he pointed out.

"Well he wouldn't go around boasting that he was half-blood then would he?" Ron gloated with a triumphant smile on his face.

"Ronald Voldemort is a half blood" (Y/n) replied, which quickly wiped the smile off Ron's face.

"See" Hermione said to Harry and Ron. "They couldn't all be pure bloods anyway, and besides it's only muggle borns that they hate, they'd be more than happy to accept you three"

"Yeah once they stopped trying to kill me" Harry said with a snort.

"Yeah and my family are too friendly with muggle for that" Ron added.

"Yeah we could all sit in a circle and have a cup of tea, 'cept for the fact they've branded me and my dad a traitor and killed Richie and mum" (Y/n) threw in, which for some reason seemed to damped the mood.

Hi I'm not dead! So yeah first things first I've been gone for awhile and I'm still not back fully yet but I'm going to try to post more regularly. So yeah hi and you know I'm excited to write again and get my ideas out, I've been really busy lately and still am, but I want to start writing again.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now