Part 63: House Elf Fight

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There was a moment of silence as the three of the stood there, Ron and Harry staring at (Y/n) like he was mental.

"Sooooo nice weather then" (Y/n), fiddling with the knife still sticking out of his arm.

Ron stared at (Y/n) in disbelief while Harry stared into the distance for a second before uncertainty muttering "Kreacher"

There was suddenly a loud crack, and the room was filled with the sounds of a scuffle.

"Muffliato!" Harry said quickly pointing his wand at the door.

(Y/n) jumped out of the way as two house elves rolled past him, in a flurry of fists and wobbly woolen hats.

There was suddenly another loud bang as peeves appeared above the house elves.
"I was watching that Potty!" He cackled pointing at the house elves.

"Kreacher will not insult Harry Potter!" Dobby cried at Kreacher.

Peeves let out a cackle as he chucked small pieces of chalk, given to him by (Y/n), at the elves.

"Kreacher will say what he wants about his master, and what a master he is friends with filthy mudbloods, oh what would poor Kreacher's mistress say-"

But what poor Kreacker's mistress would say no one would know, as Dobby sank his little fist into Kreacher's mouth knocking out half his teeth.

"Oooh that's got to hurt" (Y/n) said offering a bowl of popcorn to peeves.

"You've got that right" peeves relied with another cackle.

Ron and Harry sprang up to pull the house elves apart, despite their continued attempts to knock each other out, with both (Y/n) and peeves still egging them on.

"Oh sold off you" Harry said, pointing his wand at peeves saying "Langlock."

Peeves clutched at his throat finding he could no longer talk, and fell out of the room making obscene hand gestures at all of them, giving a high-five to (Y/n) on the way out.

"Nice one that" Ron said holding Dobby off the ground so that he could no longer make contact with Kreacher.

"Another one of the princes little curses then?" (Y/n) asked Harry, leaning against a wall finishing off the last pieces of popcorn.

"Yeah, and are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna help?" Harry asked him, pinning Kreacher's arm against his back.

"You know I would help mate, but you know... well I don't want to soooo" (Y/n) told him. "Plus you're doing great on your own darling" he added, finger gunning him.

"Right, ya great git" Harry muttered glaring at (Y/n). "Alright I forbid you to fight each other... well Kreacher at least, Dobby I can't tell you what to do"

"Dobby is a free elf, Dobby will take orders from who he wants, and Dobby will take orders from Harry Potter" Dobby said straightening his jumper.

"Okay then" Harry said, nodding to Ron who let go of Dobby, as Harry let go of Kreacher.

"Here buddy let me help" (Y/n) said kneeling down next to Dobby, and magically healing the few bruises and cuts he had sustained, and cleaning his jumper for him.

"Thanks Mr. (Y/n)!" Dobby said wrapping his little arms around (Y/n)'s neck and giving him a hug.

"I've got a job for you" Harry said, talking to Kreacher.

"Yes Kreacher will do what ever master wants." Kreacher said, bowing so far down that his lips almost touched his feet, and his ears touched the floor. "Because Kreacher must, even though he is ashamed to have a master so-"

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