Chapter 72: Atop the tallest tower

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"Where's (Y/n)!" Hermione cried to the others.

"I'm sure he's alright Hermione he's a big boy. Well a big baby anyway" Rose said, as the two of them patrolled the corridors.

"But he should've checked in by now!" Hermione told her, fear in her voice.

"You really do care about him don't you?" Rose said smiling. "Reminds me of Marc a little bit."

Hermione had happened to run into Rose as she was patrolling the halls and had filled her in on the details along the way.

"Do you want me to go check on him?" Rose asked Hermione, who nodded gratefully.

"I'm sure he's fine, probably just run off to start a fire somewhere" Rose told her with a laugh.

"Be safe Rose, this could be dangerous" Hermione warned her.

"Don't worry Hermione, I'll be careful" Rose assured her before running off.


"Ugh what's going on?" (Y/n) moaned as he came too again to find himself tied to a chair. "Grace? What's going on? Where are we?"

"Why'd you bring him here for?" Malfoy asked nervously.

"Draco?" (Y/n) asked them.

"Be quiet for once" Grace said, flicking her wand, so that ropes wrapped around his mouth, stopping him from talking.

"Is it ready yet?" Grace asked Malfoy.

"Almost, almost just an hour or so more. Now can I get back to it?" Malfoy asked her annoyed, before grabbing something from her and running back out of the room.

"Confused (Y/n)?" Grace asked him, with a false smile on her face. "I bet you are." And she flicked her wand again untying the ropes around his mouth.

"Grace what the hell is going on?" (Y/n) asked her.

"You know you never did ask my last name (Y/n), never asked about my family" Grace said in a familiar sickly sweet voice.

"W..what? What are you talking about? Your names Grace Cooper" (Y/n) said struggling against his bindings.

Grace just laughed. "Ah yes the name I got from my poor old dad" she said sadly. "He was killed you know, murdered in cold blood by a filthy muggle"

(Y/n) stopped struggling taken aback by what she had just said. "Surprised are you? Yes well dear old dad was killed by that filthy muggle, they're almost as bad as those filthy half-breed mudbloods."

"How can you say those things!" (Y/n) shouted at her, she simply ignored him.

"But my dear mum she was so heart broken by what they had done, she took me with her, to keep me safe from muggles and half-breeds, and those terrible mudbloods" Grace told (Y/n) with malice watching him try to work out what was happening.

"Still have figured it out yet? She used to teach here you know, the two of you became very good pals didn't you, with all those detentions" Grace said and it finally clicked for (Y/n).

"No..." he said softly.

"Oh yes (Y/n), my mother is Dolores Umbridge" Grace explained to him. "I'm sure you knew her very well."

"But... but why did you, why are you doin this!" He cried to her.

"Because" she said pulling up her sleeve. "The world needs to be purged of filth like you!"


"(Y/n) is in trouble" Garth said to himself, having listened in to Hermione and Rose's conversation. He gulped before steeling his resolve. "I... I need to help him. I can save him."

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now