Chapter 16: Potions class

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(Y/n) headed down to the dungeon for his first NEWT potions class, which he was throughly looking forward to.

When he entered the room he found that the room was completely different from when Snape was the professor it was well lit and full of vapors and odd mixing smells.

Inside there were only around a dozen students who had made it to the NEWT class.

There were four Slytherins including Malfoy, four Ravenclaws and Ernie Macmillan the only Hufflepuff.

The Slytherins took a table together, and so did the Ravenclaws which left Ernie with Harry, Ron Hermione and (Y/n).

They were just starting to chat a bit betwixt them all when Slughorn's enormous stomach appeared through the door.

He enthusiastically greeted Zabini at the Slytherin table and then Harry, and (Y/n), knocking Ron over in the process.

As Slughorn walked up to the front of the room (Y/n) caught a wiff of something he couldn't quite describe.

It smelt almost like Hermione, along with the smell of a roaring fire, old books, and fresh picked roses.

"Now then now then, scales out everyone and potions kits, and don't forget your copies of advanced potions making..." Slughorn started.

"Sir?" Harry said sticking his hand into the air.

"Harry m'boy?" Slughorn asked him.

"I haven't gotten a scale or books or anything- neither has Ron, you see we didn't realize we'd be able to take potions-"

"Ah yes Professor McGonagall did mention something, not to worry Harry m'boy not to worry.  You can use the ingredients from the store cupboard and I'm sure there's an extra scale or two hanging around, and I've got a small supply of extra books." Slughorn explained to then gesturing to a cabinet in the back of the class.

The two of them awkwardly made their ways to the cabinet, and then stood there for a second looking at them before fighting yeah other. At one point Ron smacked Harry on the back of the head with a book and walked away looking triumphant.

Harry skulked away from the cabinet, looking displeased holding a very battered copy of advanced potion making.

"Now then" Slughorn said motioning towards the desk in front of him that held three large cauldrons and one small one. "I've prepared a few potions for you to have a look at"

"These are the kind of things you ought to be able to make after completing this course. Well now you ought to have heard of these even if you don't know how to make them yet. Now then anyone tell me what this one is?" Slughorn asked gesturing towards the cauldron nearest the Slytherin table.

Hermione's hand immediately shot into the air, and (Y/n) lazily thrust his up too.

"Ah yes Mr (L/n)"

"Veritaserum, it makes you tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, even if you can't handle the truth" (Y/n) explained.

"Very good (Y/n) very good ten points to Gryffindor. Now then" he said pointing towards the cauldron nearest the Ravenclaw table.

"This one is pretty well known, made an appearance in a few ministry leaflets, now who can-" Hermione's hand shot into the air faster than (Y/n).

"It's polyjuice potion sir" Hermione said.

"Excellent excellent ten points to Gryffindor, and now this one... yes?" Slughorn asked surprised as Hermione's hand pierced the air before he had even finished talking.

"It's Amortentia!" Hermione said excitedly.

"It is indeed! Quite foolish to ask, but do you know what it does?" Slughorn asked eagerly.

"It's the world most powerful love potion!" Hermione said.

"Quite right! You recognized it by its distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen?"

"And the steam rising in characteristic spirals" Hermione added. "And it's suppose to smell differently to each person according to what attracts us, for example I smell freshly cut flowers, and a burning fire, and (Y/-" she stopped abruptly going red in the face.

"Very good very good indeed take another ten points to Gryffindor. May I ask your name?" Slughorn asked her.

"Hermione Granger sir" she replied.

"Granger, can you possibly be related to Hector Dagworth-Granger, who founded the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers?" Slughorn asked excitedly.

"No. No I don't think so sir I'm muggle born you see" Hermione said proudly.

Slughorn beamed at Harry. "'One of my best friends is muggle born and she's the best in our year' I'm assuming this is the friend you're err talking about Harry?"

"Yes sir"

Hermione turned to Harry practically glowing. "Did you really say that Harry?" She whispered to him.

"Well what's so impressive about that" Ron whispered angrily for some reason "I could've told him that you are the best in the year!"

"And now it's time for us to start our work" Slughorn said.

"But sir you haven't told us what's in this one yet" Ernie said pointing towards the smallest cauldron.

Inside the cauldron the golden potion was splashing around the rim, large drops of gold leaping out and back into the potion, breaking the golden surface.

"Yes I'm glad you asked. That ladies and gentlemen is Felix Felicis." Slughorn said grandly.

Both (Y/n) and Hermione let out an audible gasp.

"No way" muttered (Y/n) in awe.

"I take it the two of you know what this is?" Slughorn asked them.

"It's liquid luck" Hermione and (Y/n) said in unison.

"It makes you lucky" (Y/n) explained. Ron rolled his eyes at this.

"Yes exactly exactly take ten points each. And this is what I am offering as a prize for today's lesson. One tiny bottle of Felix Felicis, enough for twelve hours worth of good luck"

"To win this prize please turn to page ten of your books, we have a little over an hour left in class which should be enough time to make a decent attempt at the Draught of Living Death." Slughorn explained to his now captive audience.

"You may begin... now"

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