Chapter 18: Why can't I think of titles?

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"How'd you do that?" Ron asked Harry as they left the classroom.

"Got lucky I s'pose" Harry said, watching Malfoy intensely as he passed them.

They walked to the Gryffindor table in the great hall and got themselves settled down. It was then that Harry told them how he had made such a good potion, and the instructions that were in his book.

"I suppose you think I cheated then?" Harry asked seeing the look of disgust on (Y/n)'s face.

"Last time I checked plagiarism is cheating" (Y/n) said coldly.

"Yeah it wasn't exactly your work Harry" Hermione said backing up (Y/n).

"He only followed different instructions from ours" Ron said "could've been a catastrophe, couldn't it? But he took a risk and it payed off"

"How about I shove my wand up your arse, could be a catastrophe, couldn't it? But I'll take a risk who knows it could pay off" (Y/n) said bitterly glaring at Ron, who shut up immediately.

"Why are you so angry about this (Y/n)?" Harry asked him heatedly.

"Because Harold, some of us" he pointed to himself and Hermione "actually tried and didn't cheat!" (Y/n) told Harry sternly.

"Wait do you actually think his full name is Harold?" Ron asked, but shut up quickly at the glare (Y/n) gave him.

"Just drop it" Harry said annoyed "I got lucky and got this book alright?"

"How would you feel if the Slytherins got lucky and got Kram to play for them?" (Y/n) asked Harry angrily.

"It's Kru-"

"Shut up Ron!" (Y/n) snapped at him.

"Well that completely different-" Harry started.

"How? The Slytherins would just be getting lucky, they'd be using someone else's work as their own! But no that's different because they aren't the great Harry Potter are they?" (Y/n) told him angrily before getting up from the table.

"I'm going to Hagrid's, Hermione I'll see you later" he said bluntly getting you and leaving the hall.

"Cheating git! That vial should've been mine, I actually did the work, I actually figured out the potion, I didn't just copy someone else's work!" He muttered to himself as he walked through the halls.

"Excuse me" a small voice piped up behind him.

(Y/n) turned around to see a small timid looking boy. He assumed he must a third year at the oldest.

"Hey what's up?" (Y/n) asked him bending over to be at eye level of the boy. "I'm (Y/n), what's your name?"

"I..I'm Garth" the boy said shyly. "I'm a little lost can you help me please?"

"Of course what are you trying to find?" (Y/n) asked him.

"Divinations" Garth said quietly.

"Ah that's a hard class to find, I got lost my first class there as well" (Y/n) said standing up and motioning him to follow him.

"How are you liking Hogwarts Garth?" (Y/n) asked him making conversation.

"It's really cool!" He said piping up "no one else in my family has ever shown magical abilities, and I'm just so excited to be here, although that dark wizard sounds scary" Garth explained.

"Hey Voldemort isn't that bad, the scariest thing about him is his smell, god does he reek" (Y/n) said with a little chuckle.

"I thought you weren't supposed to say his name" Garth said to him slightly shock "no one I've met has said his name before"

(Y/n) shrugged. "A name is just a word, the only power it has is the power you give it."

Garth smiled at this, and (Y/n) hoped it made him feel better. These times were hard for everyone, and he hoped he could just make a few people feel better.

"And here we are Garth, just up that ladder there" (Y/n) pointing to the ladder that lead to the Divinations classroom.

"Thank you!" Garth said, giving (Y/n) a quick hug.

"If you ever need any help just reach out, and don't worry about Voldy, as long as you have some nose plugs you'll be fine" (Y/n) said making Garth laugh before he climbed up the ladder and into the classroom.

(Y/n) looked at his watch and upon realizing the time he rushed off towards the castle grounds.

"Sorry I'm late Hagrid" he huffed out of breath. "Showing... Garth.... the ladder"

"(Y/n)! 'New you'd come 'new you would" Hagrid cried practically beaming, and pulling (Y/n) into a bone crushing hug.

"Missed you too Hagrid" (Y/n) gasped.

There was only one other person standing awkwardly behind them.

"Ah yea, this is Grace" Hagrid said motioning to the Ravenclaw girl that (Y/n) recognized from the train.

"Hi (Y/n) nice to see you again" she said giving him a quick wave.

"Hi Grace, Hagrid are we the only..." (Y/n) trailed off not wanting to finish his thought.

"Well yea but two's better than one isn't it?" Hagrid said cheerfully "although I thought Harry, Ron and Hermione would be here"

"Hermione's got a lot of classes Hagrid, trust me I've seen her schedule she doesn't have a moment to breath" (Y/n) said quickly defending her.

Hagrid let out a little chuckle "that sounds like our Hermione all right"

"And Harry has quidditch" (Y/n) said, angry at his friend for cheating but still willing to defend him "and Ron, well Ron needs all the time he can get for his school work"

That lesson Hagrid, (Y/n) and Grace looked at the Golden Snidget, which (Y/n) was eager to show off Snotch.

Overall it had been a pretty good lesson. He said goodbye to Hagrid, waved at Grace and then walked off to his first Defense Against the Dark arts class with Snape.

Her Milne was already outside the door when (Y/n) got there, carrying an armful of heavy books.

"Here Hermione" (Y/n) said grabbing most of the books from her.

"We've got so much homework for runes" Hermione said anxiously "A fifteen inch essay, two translations and I've got to read these by Wednesday!"

"Shame" Ron said yawning as he and Harry walked up. Harry eyed him quickly, clearly trying to gage his mood. (Y/n) gave him a small smile, he was still angry at Harry for cheating, but he was trying not to let it get to him. After all Harry was still his friend, and he wasn't going to let a stupid little book get between them.

"Just you wait" Hermione said resentfully.

"I bet Snape gives us loads" Ron groaned.

"Inside" Snape said making a few of them jump.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now