Chapter 14: New Years Feast

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"Well come on then might as we'll head back" (Y/n) said stretching as they left the compartment.

"I'll meet you guys in a bit" Harry said running off the other direction.

"Where you going mate?" (Y/n) yelled after him, but Harry had already rush off down the train and out of sight.

"How was it?" Ron asked eagerly. The minute (Y/n) and Neville entered into the compartment.

"Bloody boring" (Y/n) said plopping down next to Hermione and putting his head on her shoulder.

"Well what was it about?" Hermione asked running her hand through his hair and scratching his head.

"Dunno I was just messing with this big troll of kid" (Y/n) explained to them. Neville then explained to the others what Slughorn wanted.

The others talked for a bit while (Y/n) fell asleep. He was shaken awake by Hermione.

"We there?" He asked groggily.

Hermione shook her head "almost, but Harry still hasn't returned yet"

(Y/n) just shrugged. "He's a big boy now he'll find his way out" Hermione gave him a worried look. (Y/n) sighed and got up and helped them search through the train.

Eventually they arrived at the station and Harry still wasn't there.

"There's not much we can do Hermione" (Y/n) said grabbing his trunk and Harry's. "I'm sure we'll meet him in the Great Hall"

"Ugh I'm starving" Ron complained as they got into the carriage. The carriages did not go all the way to the door however as they stopped at the gates instead.

"That may have to wait Ron" (Y/n) said as they got out of the carriage and got in line.

When they got to the front of the line Filch was there prodding all the students with gold looking aerial.

The aerial immediately started to vibrate as it passed over (Y/n)'s arm.

"Ah ha trying to hide something were ya? Trying to sneak in something dark?" Filch sneered at him.

"He has been clear Argus" Flitwick said from behind the gates "it is his arm that's set it off"

Flitch looked livid but he wouldn't defy a teacher and so he glared once more at them and then begrudgingly stepped aside to let them through.

"Now then, name please" Flitwick said looking at a long piece of parchment.

"Ted" (Y/n) replied quickly "or George that's a good name" Jeremiah?" He added after Flitwick glared at him.

"Your name" Flitwick told him sternly.

"Your name? Are you feeling alright Professor your name is Flitwick, Filius Flitwick" (Y/n) told him with a straight face.

Flitwick sighed "just go in" Flitwick said exasperatedly.

"It's good to be back Professor" (Y/n) said pulling Flitwick into a hug.

"It's good to see you too (Y/n)" Flitwick replied cracking a small smile.

"Have you seen Harry yet?" Hermione asked Flitwick.

He looked through his parchment quickly "I'm afraid not miss Granger. But I'm sure he'll show up soon" Flitwick added at Hermione's worried face.

"Come on Hermione" Ron said putting his arm around her. "There's no point worrying, let just go eat"

Hermione brushed Ron's arm off and walked into the castle.

"How can you be eating at a time like this!" Hermione scowled Ron after the sorting had finished and the food had appeared "You're best friend is missing!"

"Wa I'm hungry" Ron said with a mouthful of food.

Just then the door open and Harry walked into the Great Hall, covered in blood.

"He's covered in blood, why is he always covered in blood" Ginny muttered worriedly.

Harry was walking rapidly across the hall and by the time most people realized he was there he had already taken his seat at the Gryffindor table.

"What's wrong with your face?" Ron asked.

"Very subtle mate" (Y/n) said sarcastically rolling his eyes. "Like usual"

"What do you mean?" Harry asked grabbing a spoon and squinting at his reflection in the back of it.

"Wow good to know you are as vain as ever mate" (Y/n) muttered "you're looking as sexy as ever mate"

"You're covered in blood" Hermione said horrified ignoring (Y/n). "Here" she raised her wand and muttered "Tergeo" and she siphoned the blood away.

"Thanks" Harry said feeling his nose. "How does my nose look?"

"Fine why?" Hermione asked.

"I'll tell you later" Harry said.

"But what happened?" Ron asked.

"I'll tell you later!" Harry hissed annoyed.

After the feast Dumbledore stood up to give his speech, however no one was paying attention to him as they all were focused on his blackened dead looking hand.

He quickly shook his robe sleeve over his hand at the loud gasps that radiated through the room.

He then went on to give his usual speech about new students and quidditch and whatnot, however most people were not paying attention  as they were talking amongst themselves about Dumbledore's hand.

(Y/n) didn't pay attention to this or to Harry Ron and Hermione who were theorizing about what had happened.

"...and finally we are pleased to welcome our newest member of staff this year, Professor Slughorn-" there was a respectable amount of applause as Slughorn stood up.

"He is a former college of mine who has agreed to resume his old position as potions master..."

"Potions" a few people muttered amongst themselves.

"Professor Snape meanwhile" Dumbledore said so he could be heard over the ruckus "will be taking the position of defense against the dark arts"

"No way" Harry blurted out, as Hermione and Ron looked at him.

"You said Slughorn was teaching Defense against the dark arts" Hermione said.

"I thought he was" Harry said sounding outraged.

"Well there's one good thing" Harry added bitterly.

"What's that?" Ron asked.

"Hopefully Snape'll be gone by the end of this year, no ones lasted more than a year, the job's jinxed, Quirrell even died. Personally I'm hoping for another death" Harry said viscously.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now