Chapter 1.

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Hey beautiful(s), don't fret on the past. There's always a new day ahead of you :)

TW // abuse, strong language

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

Jake's POV :

      "Wake up, you filthy boy." A bucket of cold water was thrown on me waking me up from my slumber. I looked up to see my mom glaring at me, "Stop looking at me with those dirty eyes of yours. Get up and make breakfast for the Alpha and Luna or do you want a punishment for waking up late?" As soon as I heard the word 'punishment', terror crept up my body. "No please. I don't want any punishments. I-I will c-cook fast." I begged.

      "Then get up, omega." Mom ordered and then exited the room. I carried my body to the bathroom, limping slightly from the beatings that I received last night. I turned on the cold shower, letting it soak me. They don't allow hot water to my room, saying that I don't deserve it and I agree. Why would an omega like me deserve special treatments?

      Water though, always had a special effect on me. Be it cold or hot, water always seemed to calm me down. I would always sneak out from the pack house and go to the lake which is about 5 minutes away. I live in the basement so it's easy for me to sneak out and it's not like they would care if I am lost.

      I hurriedly showered and then wore my clothes not wanting to be late. I went upstairs and was relieved to see that the Alpha had still not arrived. I started preparing breakfast which consists of scrambled eggs and bacon. After I was finished cooking, I arranged the plates just like the Alpha wants it. There are other omegas who cook for the whole pack while I am reserved for Alpha and Luna only.

      After few minutes, the Alpha came downstairs and I stood in the corner of the kitchen, keeping my head down. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" Alpha's voice boom in the whole house with plates crashing, "Why is this bacon burnt?" I looked at the bacon to see that it was slightly burnt by the corner not fully. "S-sir, I c-can make you an-another." I stuttered. Big mistake. Alpha never likes when I stutter and I knew right there that I was gonna get punished.

      A harsh blow was felt on the right side of my face. Alpha had punched me. "Do you think I am here to hear your bullshit?" Alpha scolded, his hands around my throat. If this was the old Alpha, I'd answer back but this Alpha is no longer my friend. "I-I a-am so-sorry, si-sir." I chocked. "Baby." A new voice was heard and Alpha immediately let me go. I fall on the ground with a loud thud, not having enough strength to stand, coughing.

      "Leave that omega alone. We will have some fun." It was none other than my older sister, Jae-Hwa. "What do you want, baby?" Alpha asked to which my sister whispered something in his ear. After hearing whatever my sister whispered, Alpha picked her up by her thighs and I didn't need to guess what they are gonna do next. They were a perfect match if you ask. Alpha always wants something at night while my sister always needs it.

      I sighed and started to pick up the plates, careful not to scratch my skin. "Jaeyoon, leave it. I will do it." A soft voice said. I looked up to see Yeona, one of the omegas. She is 57 years old but took care of me when my parents didn't. "That's fine halmeoni. I can do it." I assured. She asked me to call her halmeoni since he doesn't have any grandchildren and her only daughter was killed in a war.

      "I heard voices. What happened?" She asked me softly. "I just burnt the bacon. It's nothing big." I said, smiling softly at her and throwing the pieces in the dustbin. "I am so sorry you have to go through this." She said sadly. "Halmeoni, we already talked about this, didn't we? I can go through this. I am strong." I assured not wanting her to be sad, "Oh, can you teach me how to bake?" Her lips turned into a frown seeing my excitement.

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