Chapter 14.

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Hey beautiful(s), just because you are struggling doesn't mean you are failing :)

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

Jake's POV :

      "You are going where?" I asked. I was just coming downstairs after giving Sunoo my clothes when I heard them talking. "You are going to Midnight Pack. Why?" I asked once again. Sunghoon and Jay looked at each other. "Let's talk in our room." Sunghoon said. He nodded at Jay. Jay said bye to us before leaving.

      "Come on." Sunghoon said, grabbing my hand and leading us to our room. "Did Sunoo fall asleep?" Sunghoon asked, once we reached our room. "Yeah. But answer my question." I said. Sunghoon sighed, "Yeah, we are going to Midnight Pack tomorrow." I furrowed my eyebrows, "But why?" I can't understand why they need to go to Midnight Pack.

      "Sit first." Sunghoon said. I looked at him skeptically before following what he asked me to do. He sat besides me. "Do you remember when I told you that your old pack keeps on getting attacked?" Sunghoon asked and I distinctly remember when he told me about this so I nodded. "Yeah. It keeps getting worse and the Alpha of that pack asked for a help so we are going there to see what we can do." Sunghoon explained.

      "I am coming as well." I immediately said. "This was the reason why I was not telling you. That pack... did some horrible things to you and I don't want you to face the same people." Sunghoon said. "I completely understand, Hoon but I also have two important people in that pack. I would be dead worried if I stayed here. Please?" I insisted. I looked at him with puppy eyes, convincing him.

      He sighed and I knew that he gave in. "Fine. But you have to promise me to always stick by my side." He said, holding my hand and I immediately nodded. "I promise." I accepted. "Okay then. Let's go to sleep now. We have to wake up early on the morning." Sunghoon said. "Yes but we need to take a bath first. We came from a run, remember?" I asked. "Ah yes. You take bath here. I will be in another room." He said and then he took his clothes and went out of the room.

      I also took my clothes and went in the shower. I showered properly and when I was done, I dried myself and wore my night clothes. I entered the room and saw that Sunghoon had still not arrived. I climbed on the bed and waited for Sunghoon to arrive and in the mean time, I played on my phone. After around 5 minutes, Sunghoon entered our room. I made grabby hands at him and he chuckled before climbing the bed.

      He wrapped his hands around mine and I snuggled against him. "Uh-uh before you sleep, where's my goodnight kiss?" Sunghoon asked. I looked at him and gave him a peck on his lips. He smiled before pecking my forehead and I kissed his neck, where I was nestled. "Good night, baby." He said. "Good night, Hoon." I greeted back and then we fell into deep slumber.

      I felt someone shaking me. I whined and snuggled more into the warm body. "Jaeyun, we have to wake up." I heard Sunghoon's voice. "5 more minutes." I said. "Jaeyun, are you not gonna come with us to your old pack?" Sunghoon asked and that seem to wake me up. I completely forgot that we were going to Midnight Pack today. "Good morning, baby." Sunghoon greeted when he saw me opening my eyes. He softly pecked my lips, making me curl up a smile. "Good morning, Hoonie." I greeted back.

      "Now we both need to get up from this bed, take a bath and have a quick breakfast since we don't have much time." Sunghoon said, patting the back of my head making me sleepy again. I nodded and then I pecked his cheek before getting up and going in the bathroom. I took out my toothbrush, applied some toothpaste and then started brushing my teeth. Sunghoon arrived just a few seconds later and started brushing his teeth as well.

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