Chapter 7.

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Hey beautiful(s), it's okay if today wasn't your day. Get some rest and try again tomorrow :)

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

Jake's POV :

      "I don't know what should I wear." I whined. "Doesn't matter. Sunghoon hyung is going to find you pretty anyways." Sunoo commented. "But I want to dress up a little. Please help me." I again whined. "Who told you we won't help you? When are you leaving?" Beomgyu asked me. "Sunghoon will come to pick me up at 4." I answered. "What!? There are only three hours left. What are you doing? Let's go get you ready." Beomgyu screeched and dragged me to our room.

      Today is the day that I am going on a date with Sunghoon. I was so nervous about the date. I have heard my sister sometimes talking about how the Alpha took her out on a date and I always thought if I would ever find someone who would take me out as well and I finally found Sunghoon. He didn't say where we were going, saying that it is a suprise. He only told me to dress casually but a bit warm and that's it. No other extra information.

      "There are still three hours left. Why are you in such a hurry?" I asked Beomgyu hyung. "What do you mean you still have three hours? You ONLY have three hours left to get ready and knowing Sunghoon, he will be here on time or maybe prior if he is too excited." Beomgyu hyung said going through my closet for some clothes. "Did he tell you where he is taking you?" Beomgyu hyung asked. "No. He just told me dress casual but warm." I stated.

      "Okay then. You go and shower first while we both look out for the clothes." Sunoo said and I nodded before taking my tshirt and a sweatpant with me. I stripped myself and let the hot water run on my body calming down my tense muscles a bit, taking my time. I shampooed my hair and then washed my body before rinsing. I dried my body and wore the clothes and then stepped in the closet to see that they both had still not decided on the outfit. "I can't select between these three." Sunoo said looking at the 2 tshirts and 1 shirt in his hand.

      "Okay. Here take this black turtleneck and this jeans. Don't you have any jacket?" Beomgyu hyung asked handling me the clothes after much thinking. "No, I don't." I denied. "Sunghoon must have a jacket. You can take his. I know he wouldn't mind." Sunoo said, smiling brightly at me. "Yes right." Beomgyu hyung said going towards Sunghoon's side of the closet and took out a black jacket before handling me. "See, now your outfit is complete. Now go and quickly change." Beomgyu hyung said while him and Sunoo practically pushing me inside the bathroom.

      "Why am I going in the bathroom again to change when you both can go and wait for me in the bedroom while I change here in the closet?" I asked. Beomgyu hyung and Sunoo looked at each other while I looked at them. "That's cool too. Change quickly. We will wait for you outside." Sunoo said before they both walked out of the closet. I changed into the clothes they picked for me and I was sort of contended with how I looked. I have never dressed up for anyone.

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