Chapter 5.

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Hey beautiful(s), a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step :)

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

Jake's POV :

      I looked at him with wide eyes. I have heard how strong pure-bloods are and how ruthless and scary they can be when they are in their wolf form. Maybe this why everyone fears him, because he is a pure-blood and will destroy everything in just a snap. But I have also heard how possessive and protective they are of their mates. That explains why he almost shouted at me and I am not angry at him Infact I understand why he did that.

      "Are you mad at me?" Sunghoon asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him. "Why would I be mad at you?" I asked. "Maybe because I am a pure-blood?" Sunghoon asked, unsure. "Sunghoon, just like how you accept with me being an omega, I too accept you being a pure-blood and being a pure-blood is not bad. Infact I am proud of you." I softly said, caressing his cheeks and he smiled at me.

      "Now, if you don't mind. Can we go for a run?" He asked with hopeful eyes. His wolf must be itching to come out. "Okay. But just a warning, I tend to get out of shape pretty soon." I said. "No problem. I will slow down for you." He said pinching my cheeks. "So now get up and get ready for a run." He said lightly tapping my thighs. I stood up and went over to my bag, which I again forgot to arrange it. I pulled out a simple tshirt and some sweats which will make me easier to run.

      I came out of the closet to see that Sunghoon was ready to go. "Let's go." He said offering me his hand. I took it and we skipped to the forest. "I will shift now." He said and I nodded, turning around because he will remove his clothes so I wanted to give him privacy. When I heard bones cracking, I slightly flinched. I felt someone nudge me from behind so I turned around to see Sunghoon's wolf which was very beautiful.

      Size with twice as mine, black, silky fur covering his body and red eyes looking at me. "Wow." I exclaimed rubbing his fur. He purred leaning onto my touch. "You are so big and so cuddly." I giggled. But he started licking me making me laugh. "Stop it tickles." I tried to stop him which he did. "You were really excited to meet me?" I asked patting his head. He quickly nodded making me giggle again. "Let's run." I said.

      We ran for what seems like hours but was only few minutes when I started to get tired. Don't judge me. Wolves tend to run faster and with much less difficulties than humans. Their sense of smell and hearing gets heightened more in wolf form than human form making them aware of every single thing that is happening in the surroundings. I started to slow down which immediately made Sunghoon's wolf to slow down too.

      "T-tired." I said a little out of breath. I bent down and put my hands on my knees to get some breath. Sunghoon's wolf started to rub it's snout under my chin, making me look up. He gestured something towards his back making me confused. He again did the same gesture. "You.. you want me to climb on your back?" I asked, puzzled but he quickly nodded his head. He crouched down a little so that I can climb his back.

      I hold onto him tightly, but not too tightly to choke him. I felt a sudden gush of wind when he started running. I giggled, enjoying the thrill. He didn't run too fast thought, probably worried that I would fall down. When we reached a clearing, he slowed down and eventually came to a stop. I climbed down from his back and looked to see a beautiful lake surrounded by green nature.

      I was so busy staring at the scenery in front of me that I didn't notice that Sunghoon had already shifted and wore his clothes, which he tied at the ankle. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Sunghoon asked standing beside me. "It is." I said in awe with the place. "I found this place accidentally 3 years ago when I went for a run. No one knows about this place. You are the first one." Sunghoon explained. "I am glad to be the first one." I said sincerely.

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