Chapter 17.

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Hey beautiful(s), if you are going through hard time right now, I want you to know that it won't last forever. You have got through much worse days before so this is no different. Better days are just over the horizon. Everything is going to be okay :)

TW // Blood.

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

       It felt like the whole world stopped to Jake. As soon as he heard the news, everything around him got blurred out. Sunghoon was talking with him but he couldn't understand a single word. He only reacted when Sunghoon told Jay and Taehyun that they are going to Midnight Pack and Jake insisted on going with them. Though Sunghoon didn't want to take him, he was worried to make Jake live alone so he took him with him.

      Upon reaching the Midnight Pack, they saw the condition in which the pack was in. Everything was destroyed, from houses to vehicles to even some trees. The bodies were lying on the ground covered with blood, some even burnt out. "Halmeoni and Riki. Sunghoon, we need to find them. They must be alive." Jake cried out, frantically searching here and there. "They must be hiding somewhere. I know they are alive. They won't leave me." Sunghoon felt his heart clench seeing this side of his mate. He was holding onto him so that he won't run off somewhere.

      "Ni-ki is alive, Jake. He was the one who informed us." Jay said, trying to calm Jake down. "Where is he? I need to see him. And find halmeoni. I know she is alive. She has to be alive." Jake cried. Sunghoon could do nothing but hold Jake close to him. It pains him to see Jake in this condition. He was crying hysterically. "Ni-ki is coming, Jake. Nothing happened to him." Taehyun said.

      "There he is." Jay said pointing behind him. Jake quickly turned around and as soon as he saw Ni-ki, he ran towards him and hugged him. "Hyung, what are you doing here? Y-you shouldn't b-be here." Ni-ki said, reciprocating the hug. "Riki, where is halmeoni?" Jake asked, breaking the hug, completely ignoring what Ni-ki said but the latter said silent. "Where is she? Answer me!" Jake shouted when Ni-ki refused to meet his eye. "She is no more." The statement made Jake lose his balance.

      He fell on the ground. "Jaeyun." Sunghoon yelled and ran towards him. "Sunghoon, please tell me halmeoni is alive. Please." Jake's face were full of tears. Sunghoon tucked him in his neck, trying to release his scent and calming pheromones. "Shh Jaeyun." Sunghoon tried to calm him down. Jay and Taehyun were also sad seeing Jake like this.

      After some time, Jake unlatched himself and rubbed his face with the back of his hands but to no avail as fresh tears kept on flowing out. He stood up with the help of Sunghoon. "How did this happen, Riki?" Jake asked him. "I don't know, hyung." Ni-ki answered him. "You are not hurt anywhere. Where were you when this attack happened?" Sunghoon asked, looking over Ni-ki to see if he is hurt anywhere.

      "Al-alpha sent me to neighbouring pack." Ni-ki answered. "At night? And why?" This time Jay questioned. "Y-yeah. H-he wanted to... uhm fetch some p-papers." Ni-ki stuttered. "And when you came back, was this how you found your pack and was the fight still on going?" Taehyun asked. "No this is how I found out." Ni-ki replied. "And where did you go now?" Sunghoon asked. "O-oh I went to search for something which can help us to find out why this attack happened." Ni-ki answered. "And did you find anything?" Taehyun asked but Ni-ki shook his head.

      Sunghoon kept looking at Ni-ki. He had a feeling that Ni-ki was lying. But why? He will find out because he is getting suspicious of him. "Taehyun, take Jaeyun to the car." Sunghoon started. "No, I am not going anywhere." Sunghoon was about to object but Jake spoke up again, "Please Sunghoon. Atleast I want to find halmeoni's body and make a funeral ceremony. Please." Jake pleaded. "Fine. Let's search for her." Sunghoon nodded, wiping off Jake's face and then took Jake's hands in his.

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