Chapter 12.

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Hey beautiful(s), reminder. Never compare yourself with another. You are beautiful in your own way :)

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

Jake's POV :

      I woke up feeling warm on my mate's chest. I rubbed my eyes and looked up to see Sunghoon doing something on his phone. When he felt me shuffling, he looked down and gave me soft smile, "How are you feeling?" He gently caressed my hair. "Fine but a bit sore on my lower back." I said, nuzzling more into his chest. "Hm that's obvious." He said giving me a peck on my forehead.

      "Baby we need to talk." He said and I sat up straight, ignoring the pain that I felt on my wrist. I looked at the clock to see it was 6 in the evening. Woah, I slept for a whole 7 hours. "When you were sleeping, I went to the library to see why you suddenly shifted. One of the possible case is because of the mating bite. Since you already had werewolf genes, me marking you activated those cells, making you shift." Sunghoon explained.

      I slowly nodded understanding. I touched the mark and it made me shiver, pleasure coursing through my veins. I looked at Sunghoon, asking for explanation. "Since you are a werewolf now, your senses are heightened. You will feel more sparks whenever we touch each other." Sunghoon said, touching me and I felt a spark going off between our bodies.

      "You will also be more alert of your surroundings. Your sense of smell, seeing and hearing will also be heightened. Pay more attention to what's happening outside." Sunghoon said and I tried to do what he said. I concentrated and sure enough I can hear the rustling happening outside on the ground. "I will have to teach you how to maximise the sense of seeing." Sunghoon said and stood up from the bed.

      I followed him with my eyes. He went around the room and shuffled a little before coming back with a paper and pen. He scribbled something on the paper and stuck it on the wall before again coming to sit besides me. "Come here." He said and I scooted closer to him, both of us sitting on the edge of the bed. "Try to read what's written on the paper." Sunghoon said and I looked at the paper stuck on the wall.

      "You are doing great." I read out the first sentence which was written on the paper with big handwriting. "Good, continue." He said. "You are amazing." I read out the second sentence which was written in slightly smaller handwriting. Sunghoon nodded and I took it as a cue to continue reading. "Don't... give up." I read the third sentence after a bit difficulty since it was written in smaller handwriting.

      "Keep... I can't read it." I frustratingly said. "You can. Concentrate a bit more." Sunghoon said, rubbing my back to calm me down. I took a deep breath and again focused my attention on the paper which was stuck high up on the wall. I concentrated hard to read what was written. "Keep going. You... are almost there." I read through the tiny font. "Great job. Now the last one." Sunghoon said, patting the back of my head.

      The last sentence, like Sunghoon said, was written in such a tiny font, almost the size of an ant or even smaller. "Sunghoon, I can't read it." I said after I tried to read what it said. "You can, baby. Listen to me. Close your eyes." I did. "Take a deep breath and completely relax your mind." I did like what Sunghoon told me to and then opened my eyes. "You okay?" I nodded. "Good, then try to read the last sentence. Concentrate a bit more." He said.

      I looked back at the paper and tried to pay more attention. After a bit, it was more clear, almost like the paper was in front of me, near my eyes. "You did it." I read and looked at Sunghoon, smiling wide. "I did it, Hoon." I exclaimed and then leapt forward to hug Sunghoon, who quickly caught me. "Congratulations baby. You did so well." Sunghoon praised and I smiled, hugging him more tightly.

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