Chapter 15.

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Hey beautiful(s), you carry so much burden in your heart, you carry so many scars on your soul, and yet you carry that beautiful smile on your lips. This makes you amazing :)

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

Jake's POV :

      "With today your first day being here let's start with your basic training in your human form. But you can let your wolf have control if you want but not full control, only partial. Pair with someone and have a match, one by one. I will look at your defence position." Jay declared. Sunghoon, Jay and I were in the training field. Starting today, all the wolves from my previous pack will learn how to defend and defeat.

      "Jaeyunie, you can go and have fun with Yejin or Beomgyu. Jay and I will handle here." Sunghoon said. "No, I want to examine them as well." I sternly said. Sunghoon nodded and let me be. One of the wolves raised his hand and Sunghoon motioned him to speak. "I don't have a partner." He said. I looked around and all of them were paired with each other, leaving him alone.

      "Okay then I will pair with you." Jay volunteered. "But I would like to be paired with the alpha." He said, directly looking at me. Sunghoon came in front of me and partly hid me behind his back. "Do you have a wish to be punished?", I could feel Sunghoon ready to burst so I started patting him on his back to calm him down. "Why? He can't fight?" The boy taunted. This was it.

      "I will fight with you. But if you lose, you will undergo vigorous training." I said and the boy nodded. "Jaeyun." I stopped Sunghoon. I knew he was worried about me since I have never received defence training but I trust myself. He nodded when he realised that I was not going to back down. "Don't get too hurt." Sunghoon said and I nodded. "Clear the middle." Jay announced and everyone cleared the training ground.

      "In position." Sunghoon announced. Both of us got in position. I was determined to win this and prove why I am the Alpha of this pack. "Start." As soon as Sunghoon said that, the boy attacked me on my face but I was quick enough to duck down my head. I tried to throw a punch but he grabbed my hand and twisted it. I kicked him in the stomach and released myself.

      But the very next moment, he grabbed my ankle, making me fall flat on the surface and I heard Jay whistle, signifying the end of first round, making the boy win. I sighed, mad at myself for not being aware of my surroundings. Sunghoon always told me to keep eyes on all four directions. I punched the ground and stood up again. "Let me take control." My wolf said and I let him partially take control. The boy again went to attack but my wolf's reflexes were fast enough to block him.

      My wolf threw a punch, making the boy stagger back and my wolf took this as a opportunity to attack him more but the boy was good at defending. He grabbed me by my waist and lifted me up a little to throw me on the ground but my wolf kicked the behind of his knee, making him fall forward and loosening his grip on me. My wolf, then punched him in the stomach making him fully fall on the ground. Jay whistled again and this time I won.

      "You are doing great, Jaeyun." I heard Sunghoon and I smiled a bit. The third and final round started but as soon as it started, it ended as well with the boy on the ground, clutching his chest in pain. I stood there confused as to what happened. I didn't even do anything. I have no idea what I did to injure the boy or did I even do something to injure him or was he acting? 'Trust yourself, Jaeyun. You are capable of doing so much more than you think. But you need to be more careful from now on.' My wolf whispered and then went to the back of my head, making me more confused.

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