Chapter 18.

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Hey beautiful(s), it's time to make yourself a priority again :)

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

Jake's POV :

      It has now been 2 weeks since all the chaos and halmeoni's rituals are all over. I have now been in a little better state knowing that atleast my brother and Sunghoonie is with me. Also, Sunghoon has been more protective than before of me. Maybe because of the attack that took place in my previous pack. That's why I don't question his actions.

      "Jake hyung, I am going to meet Sunoo." Ni-ki called out. "Okay. Be safe and are you going to eat dinner here?" I asked, pausing the movie that I was watching. "Uh no. I am going to eat with Sunoo today. And don't stay up late for me in case I take time to come back." Ni-ki answered. "Okay. Have fun. Bye." I waved. "Bye hyung." He said and I went back to watch movie again.

      It's still afternoon so I have nothing to do. Sunghoon is in his office with Jay. He told me that he has something important to discuss with Jay and I think it's related to the attack. And since I am getting bored, I think I will call Jungwon and Beomgyu hyung to keep me entertained. I can't call Yejin since she and Heeseung hyung went to meet Heeseung's brother. So, I picked up my phone and called Beomgyu hyung.

      "Hello, my lovely baby." Beomgyu hyung said as soon as he picked up. "Hyung, you know what will happen to us if Taehyun or Sunghoonie hears you say this, right?" I laughed. "Oh come on. They know you are my sweet little brother. None of them is going to say anything to me. Now why did you call? Anything important?" Hyung aksed. "Nothing hyung. I was just getting bored so I wanted to ask if you and Jungwon can come to my house right now?" I questioned.

      "Of course. Can we ever decline your offer to meet us? Never. I will also call Huening. We will be there in 5." Hyung said and hung up. I watched the movie while waiting for them and after two minutes, I heard a bell. Weird. Beomgyu hyung and Jungwon never rings the bell. I walked towards the door and opened it only to find no one. "Beomgyu hyung! Jungwon! Huening!" I called out but didn't hear any answer. Are they trying to prank me?

      I was about to close the door when an arrow flew right besides, almost taking my ear with it. My eyes got wide and I stood there for a few seconds, calming myself before looking at the arrow and found a note attached to it. With shivering hands, I plucked the arrow out of the wall and took a hold on the note. As I was about to read it, I heard Jungwon calling my name. "What are you doing outside?" Beomgyu hyung asked once they walked near me. Jungwon saw the note in the hand, "Hyung, isn't this the same note?" I nodded.

      "I think I should call Sunghoon. Jaeyun, we should go inside." Beomgyu hyung said, once he understood the seriousness of the situation. We hurriedly went inside and Beomgyu hyung locked all the windows and doors and Jungwon and Huening helped him while I sat on the couch re-reading what was written on the note.

      We were all waiting for Sunghoon and others when we heard a knock. I looked at the trio and motioned them not to open the door but luckily we heard Sunghoon's voice. "Jaeyun, are you in there? Please open the door. It's me Sunghoon." He called out. Jungwon, once hearing Sunghoon's voice, ran to open the door and a disheveled Sunghoon came running to me and after him were Jay, Taehyun, Riki and Sunoo.

      "Jaeyun, what happened? Beomgyu hyung, why did you told me that Jaeyun is in trouble? Why d-" Sunghoon had many questions but once he saw the note in my hand, he immediately knew. He snatched the note and read it.

      "You are mine."

      "How did you find this note, Jaeyun?" Jay asked. I narrated the full story to all of them. I clutched my head, feeling the stinging again. "Hyung, if you ever find a similar note again, do not ever sniff it. Okay?" Ni-ki said and I nodded, not fully understanding why Ni-ki said that because the pain on my forehead was increasing. "Sunghoon hyung, please take Jaeyun hyung to your room and let him rest." Ni-ki said and it was then I noticed that Sunghoon had not uttered any word after he read the note.

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