Chapter 13.

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Hey beautiful(s), practice is the effort that makes winning possible :)

Please read the notes at the end.

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

Sunghoon's POV :

      "Hoonie." Jaeyun called out. I hummed. "I am getting tired." He said, sitting on the red seat near the window. As soon as the scars started fading away, I wasted no time in bring Jaeyun and I to the pack's library but until now we have not found anything that could be useful or can give answers as to why Jaeyun's scars suddenly disappeared.

      "Jaeyun, we came here just 30 minutes ago." I said, picking out another book and started flipping through the pages. I was starting to read one of the paragraphs when Jaeyun whined again, "But I am seriously getting very tired." I sighed and looked to where he was sitting but my eyes immediately softened when I took in his appearance. He was leaning on the window, eyes closed. Moonlight illuminating his soft face.

      I walked towards him and scoot down on my knee to have a better look at him. He sat up straight. His eyes did look a little tired. "Want to go home?" I asked, caressing his cheek. He closed his eyes and nuzzled into my hand before nodding. "I tend to forget that you are a newly turned werewolf." I said, turning around and making my back face him. "Hop on." I ordered. I heard him shuffle a bit before I felt his weight on my back.

      I stood up, gripping my hands on his thighs and he locked his hands around my neck. He nuzzled his face in my neck sending shivers down my spine due to his warm breath hitting my neck. I started walking towards our home which was not really far. I unlocked the main door. "Want to eat something?" I asked but I felt him shook his head. I sighed, I really have to talk about this to Doctor.

      I made my way to our room and settled Jaeyun on the bed. It was good Jaeyun was already in his night clothes so I didn't have to change his clothes. I was about to go in the bathroom when Jaeyun clutched my wrist. "I am just going to change clothes, baby. I will be right back." I said, patting his head. His grip on me loosened and I quickly went inside the bathroom to change my clothes.

      After I was done, I settled besides Jaeyun who was quick to wrap his arms and legs around me and snuggled against my chest. I wrapped my hands around him after I pulled the comforter to cover both of us. I pecked Jaeyun's forehead before drifting off to sleep.

      The next morning, I woke up without my mate. The smell of food lingering in the air told me where Jaeyun was. I got up from my bed and made my way towards the kitchen. Once I reached there, I saw my mate cooking. His back towards me. I went towards him and wrapped my arms around his middle, my chin finding it's place on his shoulders.

      "Aah! You scared me." Jaeyun said, slapping my arm before again going back to his cooking. "Why did I wake up to an empty bed? I missed you." I said, giving my mark on his neck, a soft kiss. I felt him shiver when I did and that made me happy, knowing I have some effect on him. "I had to make breakfast, Hoon. Now can you be a good boy and sit on the chair so that I can make breakfast?" He asked, patting my cheeks.

      I whined a little before unwrapping my hands and went to sit on the chair, just like Jaeyun instructed. Soon he was finished cooking and he placed the food on the counter. He grabbed 2 plates and 2 glasses before settling down besides me. I scooped some food on our plate while Jaeyun poured juice in our glasses. "Thank you for this." I said and then started eating.

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