Chapter 2.

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Hey beautiful(s), make yourself priority once in a while. It's not selfish, it's necessary :)

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

Sunghoon's POV :

      "Sunghoon. What about the rogue that we saw last night?" My beta, Jay asked. "I had a talk with him in my way. He said that he left his previous pack in his own will because the Alpha didn't treat them fairly." I said. "So what do you want to do about him now?" Jay asked. I thought for a while, "Let's keep him in the cell for a few days more and if we don't find him as a threat, release him." I ordered and Jay nodded.

      "By the way, we are going to Midnight pack tomorrow if you forgot." Jay reminded. "Ah yes. I remember." I said stretching a bit. "Jay hyung." A knock was heard on the door and by the smell I knew that it was Jungwon, Jay's mate. "Go ahead. He can't sleep without you." I said knowing Jungwon that he won't be able to sleep without his mate by his side and it was 2 at night. Jay waved me before exiting my office.

      I sighed. I too want a mate with who I can sleep together, someone who would instantly calm me down, someone who I would share a connection with, someone who would unconditionally love me, someone who I would love till infinity and beyond. We get our mates at the age of 18 after 4 years of our shifting. There are some stages when we find out who are mate is.

      First is the scent and eye contact. Your mate's scent is more strong than anyone else in the room. It is such an intoxicating scent that you can't get enough from. The second you made eye contact with your mate, you know who your mate is. Many say that you will practically fall in love the very first sight when you see your mate but I am yet to experience that.

      Second stage is marking. You mark your other half, warning the others that they are taken. Marking creates a special bond between the two mates. It helps you to link with your other half. Marking is done where your neck and shoulder meets. Some say that it really hurts since it tears open the skin but the pleasure quickly follows afterwards.

      Third and the final stage is mating. This step is the most important between two mates. Mating is basically making love. There should be love and trust between the two mates before mating. Mating creates a very special bond as it almost makes two souls into one. Marking and mating can be done separately or together, it doesn't matter.

      But as I said, to do all these things, I should first have a mate which I don't. It's been 5 years since I have been mateless but I am not losing any hope. It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl since I am bisexual but whoever it is, I will wait for them. I just hope that I can meet them sooner since all my friends except for one found their mates.

      I closed my laptop and went to my bedroom. I washed up and got ready for the bed. I climbed on my empty bed, feeling lonely without my mate. I checked the time to see that it was 2:31. I remember I have to get up early tomorrow as we are visiting a pack so I went to sleep.

      I opened my ear when I felt my alarm blaring in my ear. I turned it off and made my way towards the bathroom. I brushed my teeth amd showered before making my way downstairs. I looked to see Jay making breakfast. We have maids but we sometimes give them holidays to spend time with their families and today is one of those days, that's the reason why Jay is making breakfast.

      "Good morning." Jay greeted. "Good morning." I greeted back and sat on the chair, "What are you making?" He bent down to take a plate, "Eggs for Jungwonie." I looked at him horrified, "Wait, so you are not making breakfast for us?" He looked back and laughed, "I am not making breakfast for you. I already prepared mine and Jungwon's. You make yours." And then he went to his room, carrying two plates.

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