Chapter 9.

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Hey beautiful(s), soon you will receive what you prayed for :)

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

Jake's POV :

      "W-what is it?" I asked, nervously. Sunghoon sighed. "Your pack, your former pack is getting attacked." Sunghoon said. "W-what do you mean by attack and why?" I asked. I know the Alpha doesn't really have good relations with any of the neighbouring Alphas but I really don't think so that they would attack the pack unless the Alpha did something seriously wrong.

      "It is being attacked by rogues. We still don't know the real reason why the pack is being attacked." Sunghoon explained. "Since when?" I questioned. "Since you came to this pack." Sunghoon answered. I looked down at the floor, feeling guilty for no reason. "It has nothing to do with you, Jaeyun. If it was, they would have attacked when you were still in that pack. Don't overthink." Sunghoon calmed me down.

      He lifted me and made me sit in his lap, facing him and my legs on either side of him. I hugged him immediately, nuzzling my face in his neck. We sat there like that for a while before I remembered something. "Sunghoon, I too need to tell you something." I detached myself from the hug but kept my hands on his shoulders and his on my waist.

      "What is it?" Sunghoon asked. "You know how my former pack is, right? And now Ni-ki and Sunoo are mates... but the problem is that Ni-ki can't take Sunoo to that pack. They will never accept Sunoo." I explained to him. Sunghoon didn't answer me back, he was in deep thought. "What do you suggest? What should we do?" Sunghoon asked me after a while.

      "I think we should call Ni-ki here permanently, if that's fine with you. I know Ni-ki, he doesn't care about his beta title and he never wanted to be a beta in the first place." I stated. Sunghoon hummed, "I will talk with Ni-ki afterwards and if he agrees, then I need to talk with the Alpha as well but I really don't think so he would allow Ni-ki to be in this pack easily." I nodded, understanding what he is talking about.

      "Oh yes, I forgot to tell you. We will be having your acceptance ceremony as the Alpha of this pack on Sunday eve." Sunghoon declared. I felt my insides going haywire. I know that this pack is very welcoming but I can't help but think what if they don't like me as their Alpha? Or what if they want a Luna? And I am an omega, will they even accept me? Too many questions started running in my mind.

      "You don't have to worry about them not liking you." Sunghoon softly said as if reading my mind. I sighed and decided to trust Sunghoon on this. He knows his pack better than me so I nodded. "Will I have to go for shopping for my dress?" I asked, pouting playing with Sunghoon's tshirt. I really didn't want to go for shopping. After last time, I realised I don't like to shop at all.

      "You don't have to. Beomgyu and Yejin already bought your clothes." Sunghoon laughed looking at my face. I sighed, happy that I don't have to go to mall. "Now, are you planning to get up or you gonna sit in my lap for the whole day." Sunghoon asked and that's when I realised that I was still in his lap. I quickly got up and apologised, "I am sorry. I didn't realise that I was still in your lap."

      His legs must have gone numb from my weight. "It's fine, baby. You are not heavy anyways." Sunghoon assured and I blushed from the nickname. "Do you have any work today?" I asked, clearing my throat. "I do." Sunghoon nodded his head. "Okay then, can you inform Beomgyu hyung, Huening, Yejin, Ni-ki and Sunoo to come at Jungwon's?" I asked. "You are going to his house?" Sunghoon asked back and I nodded.

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