Chapter 16.

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Hey beautiful(s), you have survived every single one of your bad days. I am proud of you :)

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

Sunghoon's POV :

      We have been here for an hour and we still have not found anything which can help us. "Sunghoon, did Jake show any other sign which normal wolves don't?" Jay asked me. I tried to remember. "Yes. You remember the scars which Jaeyun had all over his body?" Jay nodded and then I continued, "Well, they disappeared the next day he shifted, like they just faded away in front of our eyes."

      Jay looked at me as if I had grown two heads. "I know you won't believe me, Jay but trust me. Jaeyun and I both saw that. Even you can check on his body and also in the room earlier Jaeyun... I don't know how to explain this but he controlled water? Argh this all is so confusing and Jaeyun already has suffered enough and now all this." I said, frustrated and sat on the chair with my head in my hands.

      "Jake maybe has some sort of powers. We don't know from where but he does. That glowy ball thing which he did today at the ground was enough proof to know that he is not some ordinary wolf. And we need to find more about him as soon as possible." Jay said as he tried to search for book which could give us some information and I started doing the same. "Here, I found something about White wolves." Jay said after a while and I rushed towards his side. He kept the book on the table.

      "White wolf, having the colour of the snow, were the strongest and most powerful wolves and they eat quite a large portion of food, more than Alphas too. Even stronger than the Alphas, White wolves held an intimidating position in the pack. Though normal wolves are allergic to silver, it however has no effect on White wolf but they severely allergic to Quicksilver (mercury). Even a drop of mercury can lead a White wolf to it's death." Jay read.

      "The genes of White wolf were so strong that the new born, who had this genes, will come out as mighty and powerful. And a White Wolf can only be born when atleast one of it's parents is a White wolf. That's the reason why White wolf became extinct as they were taken advantage of. They were tested and bred forcefully to produce an off spring which is the most powerful and mercury was used to weaken the wolves. But many fail to realise that, when injected mercury in White Wolf's body, it's body starts becoming infertile and weak, and eventually the wolf dies. That is the reason why no one has been able to produce an off spring from a White Wolf because they died even before they could produce an heir. And White wolf became extinct since no White wolf was born afterwards."

      Jay turned the page around but there was nothing else on White Wolf, no magic related, nothing. "The last White wolf was Kim Jaemin. We have to protect Jaeyun. If anyone found out that Jaeyun is White wolf, he might be in trouble." Jay said and though I understood everything, the thing which is stuck in my mind is the same. "Yes we do but we can't tell him this all right now. He already has a lot on his plate." I said and Jay nodded. "Something which I am still confused about is there was no mention about any magic that White Wolf posses. Only that they are powerful but nothing about any extraordinary thing?" I said, confused and started to turn pages in hopes to find something but was met with none.

      "Also, it said that White wolves eat a lot but Jaeyun doesn't. He does not even eat more than half of what we eat." I said, more confused. "I noticed that too. You should take him to a doctor." Jay suggested. "I was going to take him but we didn't get time and he has a fear of doctors, thanks to the doctor of that pack." I said a bit angry at remembering the story which Jaeyun told me. "Another thing, Jake's parents are not white wolves. They were brown in colour so how is Jake a White wolf?" Jay questioned, looking in the book again.

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