Chapter 11.

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Hey beautiful(s), everything that you are feeling starts and ends withing you. Take your power back :)

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

Jake's POV :

      It's been two days since Ni-ki went home. Sunoo and I almost shed tears since we didn't know when would we meet again but Ni-ki promised us to stay connected through phone. Sunoo and Ni-ki were going great and they seem much more close than earlier. Ni-ki would call Sunoo whenever he gets free and they both continue talking for more than an hour.

      Sunghoon and I were going strong as before. The next day after he marked me, we had to hear the teasings of everyone in the group. His mark proudly stands on my neck. The mark helped Sunghoon to identify if I was feeling any gloomy emotions. But I, as an omega can't feel anything about him. I was very upset about this but Sunghoon assured me that he will tell me everytime he feels something weird. Not really the thing which I wanted but I am okay with that.

      But today I have been feeling sick. I would feel very hot and my head would start spinning everytime I try to walk. Sunghoon felt it and confronted me about it but I just told him that it's because of the weather. I, myself am unaware why this is happening. Sunghoon gave me pills before he left for work but he also informed Beomgyu hyung and Sunoo about this so here they are taking care of me.

      "Hyung, you don't need to make anything. I am... fine." I took a deep breath before completing my sentence. I felt tired just by speaking. "Jake, you need to rest. You are not even able to stand properly. Sunoo, check his temperature." Beomgyu hyung said. Sunoo came to check my temperature. He placed his hand on my forehead and suddenly gasped. "Hyung, he is burning." Sunoo reported to Beomgyu hyung, who quickly walked towards me and checked my forehead.

      "Sunoo, prepare a bowl of cold water. I will look for the cloth." Beomgyu hyung ordered. I, now had trouble in breathing and suddenly felt so hot even with the air conditioner turned on. Sunoo made me lay down on the couch and sat besides me but his phone rang. "It's Ni-ki." Sunoo informed. Sunoo talked about something to Ni-ki which I couldn't understand because I started feeling pain in my lower abdomen.

      "Hyung, are you alright?" I heard Ni-ki asking me. But before I could reply, another pain shoot my body but this time on my left shoulder. I whimpered, not being able to take the pain. "Hyung, are you in pain? Where is it paining?" Ni-ki asked. But I felt my whole body being twisted. I couldn't understand what was happening to me. Ni-ki and Sunoo were trying to talk to me but I only kept whimpering.

      I suddenly felt someone twisting my left wrist making me scream loudly. "Oh my god. Oh my god." Sunoo chanted. "Sunoo hyung, what's happening there? Why did Jake hyung scream?" I heard Ni-ki asked. It felt like he was on the verge of crying. "Jake is shifting." This time I heard Beomgyu hyung say. "MY BROTHER IS WHAT!?" Ni-ki screamed.

      "AHHH!" I screamed out when I felt my ankle bone twisting. "Jaeyun, baby. Can you hear me?" From the scent, I knew it was Sunghoon. I don't know how he came here but I think he felt my pain. "Everyone, clear the house. Beomgyu hyung, open the garden door and move out of the house." Sunghoon ordered everyone. I felt Sunghoon picking me, feeling another wave of pain coursing through my body.

      Sunghoon lowered me down on what seemed like grass. I had my eyes shut tight from the pain. I felt another wave of pain on thighs making me scream. "Baby, you are okay. You are strong. I know you will go through this." Sunghoon words seem encourage me. "H- hu- hurts." I chocked out. "I know, baby and I am so sorry that I can't do anything to take your pain." Sunghoon said, softly patting the top of my head.

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