Chapter 19.

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Hey beautiful(s), breathe. This is just a chapter not your whole story.

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

Jake's POV :

      "Okay so what we know is that Jaeyun is a white wolf and we are assuming that whoever this is, is after him. And we can't smell anything from the note but only Jaeyun can." Jungkook hyung summarised after we told them the whole story. "Jaeyun, have you ever smelt the same scent before which you can smell on the notes?" Soobin hyung asked me. I shook my head, "No. This is a new scent for me. And it's a very strong smell which immediately causes me a headache."

      "From what I know is, a white wolf is very rare. Too rare since they have become extinct since like 200 years ago and you are saying that your parents are beta, which makes it almost impossible for you to become a white wolf as a white wolf is born out pure Alpha werewolves. This whole is confusing to me." Jin hyung said. "So, are you saying that those are not my real parents?" I asked. Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung looked at each other and they seem to be communicating through mindlink.

      "Well, we don't really know for sure and we can't actually confirm anything now that your parents are also... you know? We also don't have anyone from your pack to whom we can ask about your history, if any." Namjoon hyung answered. I nodded and then we were all in deep thought. "I think for now the only thing that we can do is wait for the person behind all these." Jimin hyung said. "Wouldn't that just be waiting for an attack?" Huening asked.

      "That's right. We can't just wait for the person to appear in front of us. We will use all our resources to find him. And we will have to do it quick." Namjoon hyung answered. "We have tightened the security of our pack and all the wolves are being trained strongly to fight, even the younger wolves and the omegas are given basic training." Sunghoon informed. Namjoon hyung nodded, "That's good. We will be doing the same and Yeonjun and Soobin will be staying here for the mean time so that they can immediately mindlink us if anything happens." Namjoon hyung informed.

      I saw Beomgyu hyung, Taehyun and Huening looking at each other with big smiles on their face. Atleast, this threat or whatever, is bringing old friends together. I internally smiled at that thought. "Then we shall take our leave. It's quite late and you all should sleep as well. You all must be very tired with all these things happening, especially Jaeyun." Hoseok hyung said. The whole Lunar pack got up and we did the same. "We will take our leave now. Take care everyone and we are always there for you and this pack." Namjoon hyung assured us as he shook his hand with Sunghoon.

      After we all said bye, they drove away. "So now that we have Lunar Pack with us. I think our safety will be triple." Jungwon spoke up. Everyone nodded. "So what do we do now?" Sunoo asked. "We all go to sleep. There's nothing we can do right now, right?" Yejin said. She and Heeseung must be tired from the long journey. "That's right. Everyone go to sleep. We will discuss further tomorrow." I announced. Everyone stood up and after saying good night, everyone went to their house except for Ni-ki.

      "Why are you here?" I asked him. "You don't want me here?" Riki pouted and I huffed at his antics. "You know that's not what I meant." I answered. Ni-ki nodded. "I want to stay here with you so that I can protect you." Riki said. I smiled at his words. "You don't need to protect me, Riki. I am fine and I have Sunghoonie with me as well. You stay with Sunoo. He's alone and he might be scared with everything happening so I think you should stay with him." I said.

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