Chapter 8.

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Hey beautiful(s), failures are like speed breakers. You must move slowly but never stop at it :)

゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ♡ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚

Jake's POV :

      None of us said anything. There was pin drop silence. No one moved. Ni-ki and Sunoo stared at each other before Huening broke the silence. "Um what's happening?" He awkwardly asked. Now, he is the only one who doesn't have mate so it's normal for him to not to know what is actually happening and that Ni-ki and Sunoo both are mates.

      "Ni-ki and Sunoo are mates." Taehyun replied to him. "Wait what!?" Huening screamed. "Does that mean now I am the only one who is mateless?" He added. Ni-ki slowly walked towards Sunoo and Sunoo kept his eyes on Ni-ki. "Hello. I am Ni-ki." He introduced. "Hi. I am Sunoo." Sunoo shyly introduced. This is the first time I have ever seen Sunoo blush.

      I looked at Sunghoon grinning by the fact that my brother who was crying to have a mate by his side, finally found one. Sunghoon mirrored my smile and wrapped his arm around my middle. "You both can go to one of the rooms to talk if you want." I suggested. They both were being so awkward, maybe because we all were staring at them so I decided to help them a bit.

      Ni-ki looked at Sunoo who nodded and then I gave them the directions to the room. Once they went inside I squealed because they both looked so cute. "Now, Sunoo will stop whining about having a mate." Jungwon commented. "Yeah. Same goes to Riki. He was so excited to meet his mate and now they both finally met each other." I added.

      "Wait a minute. The mindlink which Jay sent was not for your Alpha duties but to inform you that Ni-ki came, isn't it?" I questioned. Sunghoon nodded, "I noticed how much you miss your brother so I figured I would just call him here so you could spend some time with him." I hugged him, tears pooling my eyes, "Thank you, Hoonie." He rubbed my back and kissed the side of my head.

      "You both are seriously couple goals." Beomgyu hyung commented making me blush. "We are not?" Taehyun asked raising his brow at Beomgyu hyung. "We are too. Don't whine, Hyunie." Beomgyu hyung said pinching Taehyun's cheeks which Taehyun swatted his hand away making us all laugh.

      "Are you all going to stay here?" I asked to everybody. "Well, we don't have any other work to do so yes." Yejin answered. "Perfect. Then I can make dinner for all of us." I excitedly said. "I will help you. These idiots eat like pigs so we will need to make more quantity." Jay said. "As if you eat like a squirrel." Heeseung hyung commented making gestures like how squirrels eat.

      Jay and I went to the kitchen to cook. We both divided work so it would be easier for us to make everything and less time consuming. We cooked while talking here and there. Jay is such a fun person to be around. He literally brings up the mood of everyone. He also knows so many things be it table etiquette or fashion or layers of perfume and I admire him so much for it.

( a/n : this is just me being whipped for Jay and his sexy knowledge.)

      After about 45 minutes, every dish was ready. Jungwon and Yejin helped to set up the table. "Should I call Ni-ki and Sunoo or let them talk more?" I asked, confused on what to do. "Le- well we don't need to call them anymore." Huening said and then gestured towards my back. I looked back to see Ni-ki and Sunoo coming to us, both blushing mad. I looked at Sunghoon, who just shrugged.

      "C'mon, newly mates. Let's eat." I said. We all sat on the dining table and started to munch on our food. "Mm this is really good." Jungwon said referring to the pork he was eating. "Jake made it." Jay said. "Jaeyun hyung actually makes really delicious foods." Riki said. "Really, then I guess we will need to come over here often to try different dishes made by Jaeyun." Heeseung hyung said making me shy.

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