Chapter 3.

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Hey beautiful(s), become more aware of what's really worth your energy :)

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Jake's POV :

      The whole world stopped when we looked at each other. He approached me but I was frozen in my place, not knowing what to do. "What's your name?" He asked, voice so soft. "J-jaeyun. Sh-shim Jaeyun." I said giving him my real name. He smiled softly at me. I didn't know I would see someone looking so fondly at me. He caressed my cheeks and I unconsciously leaned to him. The sparks that I felt when he touched me were indescribable.

      He suddenly pulled me into an empty room which I didn't understand why. "What's your name?" I asked though I had a vague idea who he is. "Park Sunghoon." He answered. "You are my mate." I declared but my mind was filled with terror. You would never have a mate. Your mate will reject you. This statements ring in my mind. "Why are you not rejecting me?" I unconsciously said and quickly widened my eyes. "I am not going to reject you." He softly said.

      Is this some plan of his? To make me his mate and then abuse me and then finally reject me? "Why? Why don't you just reject me?" I cried. He frowned, "I would never reject you." I don't understand what his plan is. He is obviously an Alpha so why would he want an omega as his mate or he is clearly plotting something else and I don't want to suffer anymore so I thought of a plan.

      "Okay then, I will reject you. I, Shim Jae-" I was not able to complete my sentence because I was suddenly pushed into the wall, lightly with his hand covering my mouth. "You are mine." He stated, "Neither am I going to reject you nor you are going to reject me. I have waited 5 years for my mate. I am not letting you go." The way he said carried so much emotions. He slowly removed his hand and caressed my cheeks. "Why would you like to be mate with an omega?" I asked.

      "I don't care. I will love you no matter how low your rank is. You could be a freaking globin and I will still accept you." This made me cry harder. Will he love me? I was never given that type of love. "Stop crying. I don't like seeing you cry." He said softly, wiping my tears. His presence itself made me calm down. Is this what feels like to have a mate? The way he talks so softly with me, the way he looks at me with so much adoration in his eyes, his soft touches that create sparks on my skin itself made me believe that he wouldn't hurt me. I should trust him.

      "You will come with me to my pack today. I will talk to your Alpha that you are my mate." He said which made me panicked. They would never like if I have a mate and they would never let me go with Sunghoon. "No. Don't tell him I am your mate." I quickly said but then I wanted to hit myself when I saw hurt flicker in his eyes. "It's not about you. It's about me. Just tell them that you need a cook or something. Please." I pleaded. He nodded. "We should go now." I said. The others must be looking for him.

      He pecked my forehead before exiting the room and I felt so giddy. That small action of his made my heart beat faster than usual. I blushed and then made my way into the basement to my room. When I reached there I saw Ni-ki pacing around the room. When he saw me he immediately hugged me, "Hyung, where were you? I got worried thinking that mom or Alpha did something to you." I felt bad making Ni-ki worry about me.

      "Ni-ki, relax. Nothing happened to me but I have some good news?" It came out more of a question. "What is it?" Ni-ki asked smiling widely. "I found my mate." I declared. Ni-ki stayed silent for a second before he started squealing. "Oh my god? Really? Who is it? When did you meet him? Is he nice? Did he say anything rude to you? Di-" Ni-ki just wouldn't stop asking questions. "Ni-ki Ni-ki, relax. He is Park Sunghoon." I said and there goes a other round of squealing.

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