𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲

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"You truly are amazing Nicolo," you glance back as you grin at him. He blushed and you turned back to look out the window. It was raining and you enjoyed the rain. "you ready to go?"

He gathers a few things before nodding to himself. "Yeah," you two were taking things to a couple who lived around the block. One evening, Barrett, Nicolo, and you were all sitting out while eating.

The couple couldn't help but get a whiff of how amazing it smelt, so to make it look like you guys were fitting in you said Nicolo could bring something over for them. Barrett would be tagging along, but he was currently walking around the place, taking notes for himself.

Together you and Nicolo rushed down to the couple's house, knocking on their door and shielding yourselves from the rain. "Hey!" Eren stood in the rain, calling out to you. Both Nicolo and you turn around, looking at him.

"Go ahead," Nicolo meets your eyes as the door opens, and he turns his attention to the couple. "Sorry, I won't be able to join in, but I hope you enjoy what he made!" the couple looks at you as you begin to rush off to Eren.

You follow Eren as he rushes toward a house. "Sorry, just wanted to get out of the rain," you let out a breath as you looked around the place. It was nice, but hardly anything in it. "I saw you outside the window and wanted to apologize for yesterday."

"Yeah? It's okay, I don't mind," you tell him and he nods. "And I hope you don't feel weird being here," he noticed you looking around the room.

Shaking your head, you finally look at him again. "You barely have anything," Eren sighs and falls back onto the couch. "It just takes up space, only want what I need,"

"True. But wouldn't it get boring to look at after a bit?" Eren nods and pats the seat beside him. "Well, I look at it as if It'd be boring with it too. Because again, you're looking at the same things every day," you turn and stare at him.

He diverted his green eyes, meeting yours. Eren took in your features as you stood in front of him, noticing every detail of you. He still thought you look highly familiar, but just couldn't remember where he had seen you. And Eren couldn't understand if that was a bad thing or not.

"What are you doing out in the rain?" he asks curiously. "Oh," you walk over to take a seat next to him, remembering how he gestured for you to sit. "well Nicolo, he is an amazing cook. And one day while we were eating, they smelt how amazing it was. And him being the sweet person he is, he offered to cook for them."

Eren turned slightly. "You have a nice voice," you meet his gaze. "You think so?"

He nods. "Yeah. It's soothing. I could listen to you ramble about stories all day,"

Your lips curve into a smile. At first, you couldn't notice if he was being honest but he seemed like he was serious. "Thanks, that's a first,"

"Yeah," he smiles as well, once noticing yours. The thought of tackling him right now and attempting to kill him sounded good. This was a good chance, but you probably wouldn't succeed.

Not only that, you did want him to feel that sting of betrayal as he stares into your eyes while your knife plunges into his chest. "Is Nicolo your boyfriend?"

You laugh. "No way, he's just my friend," you were quick to make up a lie. "we grew up together, he's practically my brother."

"Since Nicolo is a good cook, or so you claim. You should let me hook him up with my friend Sasha, she absolutely loves food,"

Nodding, you agree. "Why not? He loves to do it, so it'd be great. Great excuse to see you again as well," Eren lifts a brow. "Is that so?" you both smile at each other. "I'm gonna be looking forward to it,"  he replies.

Why was he so nice? It made things harder for you, but you were gonna do the best you could to ignore it. Because at the end of the day, he was still your enemy and it was your job to kill him.

"I do have a question though," Eren begins, his head tilting slightly. You tensed up slightly, did he know? No. There was no way for him to know. "do you like the rain?"

You let out a breath and turned toward the window, watching as the rain continued to pour down. "Yeah," you turn back to look at him again. "I do. And you?"

"I do too. I like to wake up early in the mornings and sit by the window just to watch it," you nod and lean back against the couch, sighing. After a moment of just staring out the window, you decided to break the silence. "I should probably go, Nicolo is probably wondering where I am,"

Eren nods and stands with you. "When are you free? Find a day for Nicolo and Sasha to meet,"

"Honestly, I'm free all the time. Nicolo as well. So...whenever is a good day for you," you two stood in front of each other. "Tomorrow?" you look away from his eyes, moving something off his shirt. "Tomorrow is good, I'll see you then?"

Eren waited for a second to answer you. "Let me walk you home,"

You hesitated. Was it even a good idea for him to know where you lived? I mean, you didn't live too far, just around the block. And regardless he'd probably find out eventually, so you nodded. "Here, wear this," he turns, rushing into the kitchen to grab a coat. "No, I'm fine. It's yours, you wear it,"

"I'm fine," he insists and begins to wrap it around you, making you let out a breath. "thank you..." you almost said his name and instantly forgot that neither of you had officially introduced yourselves to each other. "Eren," he answers. "Eren." you nod.

He smiled. "And you are...?"

"Y/n," he nods. "Y/n." he confirmed as you did. "you ready, Y/n?

Looking at him, you nod yet again and then he opened the door. "Let's go," he says. "lead the way."

He shut the door behind him and you ran ahead of him. Eren made sure to follow closely behind and he let out a small laugh, seeing as you almost slipped rushing around the corner.

What was the point of walking you home if you two were actually running? You pushed the thought aside, deciding to live in the moment of it. One person stood outside their home, watching you as you rushed by, Eren right behind you. They shook their head and you eventually stopped after a moment, opening the door and rushing inside.

Nicolo and Barrett's necks snapped to look at you. Eren walked in behind you and the smile on your face vanished slowly after realizing it. They seemed concerned so you looked to Eren. "Thanks, even though...that wasn't really walking me home,"

He laughs and notices you taking the coat off. "Here," you hand it over. Eren looks over at the two boys, sending them a nod. "I'll see you tomorrow," he said before resting the coat on his arm and heading back out the door.

You shut it behind him and looked to the boys. "Sorry, that was quite the mess. I'm gonna..." you looked down at your soaked clothes. "change into some new clothes."

Walking past them, the smile reappeared on your face. Running in the rain with Eren Jaeger, who would have thought.


thankful to those who are still reading. and thank you for the votes and kind comments! <3

 and thank you for the votes and kind comments! <3

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THE ENEMY | EREN JAEGERWhere stories live. Discover now