𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁

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"I'm going out, be back soon," you call out to the two boys, though they were nowhere in sight. Stepping out of the house, the cool breeze hit you and you started walking down the pathway. You occasionally glanced behind you, just to be careful.

You haven't spoken to Eren for a couple of days, it was good that way. You didn't look desperate for something. There was somebody walking with a horse, but you thought nothing of it since they looked like a child.

Their eyes were fixed on your figure, so you decided to say hi. "Good evening," you say sweetly before realizing that instead of a child, it was a grown man. "need help with that?"

"I'm not helpless," he replies and he stops, which you do the same. You had a feeling he was about to ask you a question and you were already dreading it, even if nothing has come out of his mouth yet. You just knew it wouldn't be good, whatever he had to say. "Y/n," looking over your shoulder, you saw Eren. "Hi, Eren," you smile.

He steps beside you. "Captain Levi, good to see you. How did things go?"


This was the Levi Ackerman. It had to be. The one you couldn't wait to see in person. Zeke talked so much shit about him, too. How the hell did he keep losing to this guy. Regardless, it was an honor to meet him, though you couldn't actually introduce yourself to him.

You already didn't like the way he looked at you. Was everybody around here smart? The question almost made you roll your eyes. Levi started to walk again, continuing forward and you almost let out a sigh of relief. "How have you been doing?" you ask him sweetly.

"Eh, getting shit done and thinking, other than that, good. And what about you?" he stares into your eyes and you have to look away. "Getting shit done," he smiles, letting out a small chuckle.

"So I wanna ask something. Are you free tonight?" this was your chance to get closer with him. "Yeah, I'm free. Why? You wanna do something?"

Eren nods his head. "Yeah, actually. My friends and I are having a small get-together at our place. I would like it if you could make it there,"

You thought it was a great idea until he mentioned his friends. Maybe instead of waiting to become friends with him, you could kill him and get it over with. You'd have to play it smart though, now wasn't the time to fuck up. "I would love to. Your friends are great by the way, I love them,"

"That's good to hear. Are your friends gonna tag along? They're invited if they'd like to come," you glance back. "Oh, probably not. They have a lot going on right now, but maybe Nicolo has more of a chance of coming. He keeps talking about Sasha," you smile. "I see, okay, well yeah. Just come tonight, i'll be waiting,"

Eren returns the smile. "See you tonight then," you send him a small wave and then you sigh after he disappears. "here goes nothing."


You had been here for about an hour, sitting alone since Nicolo had disappeared. You weren't too worried about it honestly. Someone sat next to you, it was Jean. "Hey, why are you sitting alone? Where's Eren?" he quizzed. How were you supposed to know where he was, Jean was the one who lived with him.

"I guess I just want to sit here alone and watch you guys," you turn and look at him. He nods slowly, almost as if he were confused. "I'm kidding, I don't want to bother anybody."

He grins. "Well, you won't bother me. How old are you?"

Eren walked up, making you look away from Jean and at him instead. "Hey, sorry, I had a headache for a bit so I was in my room. Want a drink?" Jean frowns. "Man, I was talking to her,"

He doesn't say anything, but so Eren doesn't walk away, you decide to speak up. "Thanks for keeping me company for a bit, Jean. I appreciate it," you faked a smile before standing up and heading into the kitchen, where the drinks were. Eren followed you in there. "do you guys do this often?"

"Yeah but typically we don't invite anybody else. You're lucky," Eren says, grabbing the bottle of alcohol and chugging a bit of it. You were reaching for the cup but decided to stop, reaching for the bottle instead. "I'm lucky, hm? Why did you invite me?"

Eren didn't want to say the truth, so instead, he kept it to himself, changing the subject. "Did anybody come with you?"

"Nicolo, but I think he went home," you say looking around, taking the bottle he soon handed to you. "Ah, I see," Eren jumps up onto the counter, taking a seat and you lean against it, taking a swig from the bottle, which tasted like shit. How could they drink this? Maybe because you were used to only drinking wine.

That was enough for you, handing the bottle back to him. "Thanks for the invite though. I never go out," he gazes at you. He wasn't even going to question why. Instead, he dropped the bottle into the floor, purposely. You look down, seeing the glass shards. "Sorry," he says, hopping down.

You decide to help him. "No, it's okay. It happens," nobody else was really even around, having gone to bed or somewhere else in the house. Eren got behind you, his fingers pulling a shard closer to him as he stared at the back of your head.

He had planned to kill you right now. "Okay, I got most of it," you turn around, smiling as you hold the pile of glass in your hands. His face drops, but it wasn't noticeable to you. That smile seemed so genuine. So genuine that he continued to pick up the shards around him. "You didn't have to," Eren then says, standing as well to throw them away. "Yeah, I just wanted to help. I should go home though, thanks for inviting me,"

"I'm sorry I just came out not too long ago," the smile on your face grew wider as you walked to the door. "It's fine, until next time," you say and he nods, watching as you open and the door and disappear.

Eren lets out a breath, pulling his hair out of a bun and looking out the window to watch you until you were gone completely gone.


okay, I should be back to updating regularly. i finished up my gojou fanfic and I'm out of school. also, things might seem really confusing, but everything will make sense soon.

 also, things might seem really confusing, but everything will make sense soon

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THE ENEMY | EREN JAEGERWhere stories live. Discover now