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Okay so like I said I didn't like where I was going with the last story so I deleted it and am starting a new one so go read the new "Intro one". Also these cases are all over the place this story takes place after Spencer got out of prison but I am using cases from different seasons so yea. Enjoy :)

Today was the first day of working at the BAU. You had been working a desk job for the FBI since you were 27. You had been offered the job at the BAU before but you never accepted the offer because you thought you were too young. You're 29 and think it's a good idea to add some change to your life even though it's only been two years . Your mind kept thinking.

What if they hate me? What if they think I'm still too young? What if they don't think I'm cut for this job?

Your thoughts were interrupted by the ding of the elevator and the door opening. You walked up to the big glass doors and opened them. You walked into the bullpen and headed to SSA Prentiss' office. You knocked and heard a muffled 'come in' you opened the door and walked into the office.

"Agent Martinez, it's nice to see you again. Take a seat"

"It's nice to see you again too, Agent Prentiss"

"Please just Emily. So as you know today is your first day as a SSA, I'll be introducing you to the rest of the team in a mome-" she was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Hey Emily, sorry for interrupting but we have a case," said the very colorful and cheerful woman.

"Garcia this is our new recruit SSA Amelia Martinez. Amelia this is Penelope Garcia our technical analyst." said Emily

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," you said, reaching out your hand.

"Hi, I can tell I'm going to love you already," said Penelope, taking your hand and shaking it.

"Alright let's go and introduce you to the rest of the team." said Emily.

You three walked into the conference room and where the rest of the team was having their own conversations. Emily cleared her throat and everyone turned around to look at her. That's when you saw a familiar face, Spencer.

You've known Spencer since you moved to Virginia, you two lived in the same apartment complex and to your luck your apartments were right across from each other. You and Spencer have slept together a couple times and by a couple times you meant at least two or three times a week but the team doesn't need to know that part.

You knew he worked for the BAU and he knew you worked a desk job at the FBI but you didn't tell him that you decided to take the offer of working at the BAU after they offered it to you a second time. You knew what was coming for you for not telling him.

"Everybody, this is our new agent SSA Amelia Martinez" said Emily.

"Hi, it's nice to meet all of you," you said.

"Hi i'm JJ" said a woman with blond hair.

"These are SSA's Luke Alvez, Matt Simmons, Tara Lewis, David Rossi, I'm guessing you already met Penelope Garcia, and that is Dr. Spencer Reid, he has a thing for germs so he doesn't shake hands." said JJ.

"Yea, I know he does" you said. Everyone looked at you confused.

"Me and Amelia have known each other for a couple years now. Our apartments are right across from each other" said Spencer.

The whole team just nodded their heads and headed to take a seat. You took the only empty seat which was in between Spencer and JJ. You sat down and Garcia started to brief the team on the case.

i'll always love you ~spencer reid Where stories live. Discover now