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Warning: mentions of former miscarriages.
You ended up getting into the bed in the middle of the night when Spencer woke you up when he was throwing up in the bathroom. He had explained that he went to a bar after you fell asleep because he still felt terrible that he hurt you.

Apparently he was leaving the bar when he saw this girl crying and screaming for help because a guy was trying to do something to her and he went to help her and ended up getting into a fight with the guy while the girl ran off.

The cops let him go since they knew he was FBI because he had worked a bunch of cases here before and arrested the other guy for assaulting a federal agent but that's all he remembered. He couldn't remember anything about what happened when he got to the hotel.

You woke up in the morning and saw the sun shining on Spencer bruised up face through the sheer curtain of the crappy hotel you two were staying at. His eye wasn't too bruised it just looked like he hadn't slept in months.

You carefully pushed his hair out of his face and placed a kiss on his cheek, "I have to tell you something" you whispered to see if he woke up.

"What is it?" He mumbled his eyes still closed.

"I love you"

"I love you too Princess," he said, pulling you to him and placing a kiss on your head.

"You smell like booze" you said.

He chuckled, "Do I really?" He asked.

"Mhm, you should go shower"

"Princess is that why you were sleeping on the couch last night?"

"Yes, but I didn't want to be mean so I just got into bed after you woke up. But at this point I don't care you smell so bad please just go shower" you said.

He laughed and got up and went to the bathroom. You got up at looked in the mirror in the room again and saw that the bruise around your neck had faded since you had iced it last night.

You laid back down on the bed and waited for him to come out of the shower. You had fallen back asleep and woke up to feeling Spencer smack your ass.

"Ouch" you mumbled. You heard him chuckle and he turned you around onto your back.

"Okay I showered can we cuddle now?" He asked.

"No" You said and turned back onto your stomach. You felt the bed dip beside you and he pushed your hair out of your face.

"Why?" He asked.

"You thought I was another girl last night and said you didn't care that you had a girlfriend and that she didn't have to know and then proceeded to try to get me into bed with you" you said, opening your eyes to look at him.

"Princess, I was drunk I didn't know what I was saying" he said.

"Doesn't take away from the fact you'd cheat on me" you said.

He grabbed me and made me straddle him, "Stop that. I promise I'd never cheat on you, I'm in love with you and I only want to be with you and you only. I want to marry you and start a family with you." He said.

You smiled and looked at him, "Good because I'm pregnant" you said, putting your head on his shoulder.

"You're what!?" He exclaimed.

You laughed and felt him lift your head and look at you, "Are you serious or are you just messing with me" he asked.

"I'm serious, I'm ten weeks pregnant which is why I look like I'm bloated. I found out two weeks ago when we were in Chicago and I was eight weeks then so now I'm ten weeks"

You saw tears in his eyes, "I don't want to be mean but you do look like you've been gaining weight" he said.

You smiled, "I know I have. But hey I'm going to be carrying around your baby so I'm going to look like I swallowed an entire watermelon"

"You're going to look beautiful, but we're really having a baby?" He asked, pushing you down lightly on the bed and putting a hand on your stomach.

"Mhm, hopefully this time I won't have a miscarriage. I have a bad history with pregnancy," you said, leaning up against your forearms.

"Why because of what happened with Jenna? Princess that was one time and you couldn't control what happened" he said.

You shook your head, "I've had three miscarriages in total. One when I was sixteen, Jesse got me pregnant and we were going to keep it but I lost it when I was nine weeks which is the reason we broke up. Then when we first started sleeping together you got me pregnant and I lost it when I was eight weeks. Then the whole Jenna shooting me and causing me to loose the baby. So if we really want to count everything this is the third child I've conceived with you"

He looked at me weird, "Amelia you never told me about the first time I got you pregnant" he said.

"I know, it's just I didn't think you'd want it anyways so I just never said anything about it. But I lost all of them before the first trimester had ended and so far I'm doing okay, I'm already ten weeks and they are fine. My moms friend who confirmed I was pregnant said as long at we make it through the first trimester there are high chances that I won't loose them this time so let's keep our fingers crossed" you said.

"Amelia first of all I will obviously keep my fingers crossed for you to carry out baby to term. And second of course I would've wanted to keep the first baby we conceived but I understand why you didn't tell me" he said.

You sat back up and looked at him, "We're having a baby" You said with a smile.

"Yes we are. You know I haven't seen you this happy in a while, I miss this beautiful and genuine smile you have on your face right now"

"That's because I think everything in my life is sorta turning back around to how it was before you know with me being all happy and stuff. And I have to give all the credit to you."

"Why me?"

"Because, Spencer Reid you make me the happiest girl in the world. You've stayed with me even when everything was falling apart little by little and made sure that I stayed in one piece. You could've easily gone out and found a new girlfriend but you decided to stay with the broken one you had" you said.

A tear fell from his eye and you wiped it away, "And for that I thank you. You never left my side and I promise I will never leave yours. The only way you'll get rid of me is when I die" you said.

"Princess, your making me cry." He said. You smiled and put your forehead against his.

"I love you"

"I love you too," he said, moving his head a little to the side to connect your lips together. You pulled away after a while and smiled putting your hands on his face.

"How are we going to tell the team?" You asked. You saw realization hit him and you laughed.
An: I'm so thankful for the 400 reads I have I know it's not a lot but it's more than I was expecting.

That's also the reason I decided to get her pregnant because I'm ending the book soon
but I have started working on a new one. :)

i'll always love you ~spencer reid Where stories live. Discover now