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Warning: Kidnapping
If these things make you uncomfortable I recommend you skip this chapter. Also this chapter will be switching from Spencer's POV to Amelia's throughout the chapter.

When you guys got to the bar Spencer parked the car you were about to open the door when you felt Spencer grab your arm.

"Remember our deal?" he asked

You smirked at him "yes I do" you said. He nodded and let go of your arm. When you two walked into the bar everyone was already there.

The first person to notice you and Spencer had arrived was JJ.

"Hi you guys" she said as you two walked up to her.

"Hi" you both said.

"Okay, now that you guys are finally here we can get you guys shots" said Emily.

You all took five shots and then started dancing on the dance floor except for Spencer and Matt who just stood by the bar looking at all of you.

"Hey I'm going to go to the bathroom" you told Emily.

"Okay" she said.

You walked to the bathroom and were waiting for the person to come out, there was nobody else in line until a guy came up. He just stood behind you. Next thing you know you felt a pinch on your neck and then everything went black.

Spencer's POV:

"Hey have you guys seen Amelia?" asked Emily.

"No, I thought she was dancing with you guys?" I said confused.

"She was but she said she had to use the bathroom, it's been like twenty minutes and she hasn't come back" said Emily.

"Oh, she's probably waiting in the line," I said.

"I'll go check," Emily said and walked up.

I was confused, you couldn't have left with a guy because you two were dating. Maybe there's a long line and you were just waiting. Maybe you just- my thoughts were interrupted by Emily coming back to you and Matt looking worried.

"You guys I think someone took her. Her purse was just on the floor with this note on it" Emily said showing you and Matt the note.

Dear BAU,
Better hurry and find your little agent before it's too late. I don't have a lot of patience.


"I'm going to go get the rest of the team," said Emily and walked away.

Matt and I looked at each other worried. I pulled my phone out and called you.

'Hi this is SSA Amelia Martinez I can't take you call right now but leave a message'

I kept calling you but it just kept going to voicemail. By now the team was all back at the bar. I grabbed your purse and realized that your phone wasn't in there. Then I remembered that you always carried your phone in your bra when you all went to the club.

"She has her phone on her, it's not in her bag" I said.

"Okay you guys let's go back to the BAU." Said Emily. Me and the rest of the team nodded and walked out of the bar. I had to drive Penelope since she hadn't brought her car.

I decided to call you again. Voicemail. The car ride was silent, until I realized something the team might end up finding out that you two are together. That wasn't important right now, what was important was that we found you and you're safe.

i'll always love you ~spencer reid Where stories live. Discover now