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*spitting kink
Dom/sub reader
Dom/sub Spencer :)
Lmk if I missed something.
The next morning you woke up to the sound or your alarm, you quickly turned it off and got comfortable again. You felt Spencer turn you around onto your back and you groaned.

"Wake up we're going to be late, you already hit the snooze button three time" he said. You turned back around and placed your pillow over your head.

"I'm tired, leave me alone" you said.

"Amelia you went to sleep at 7:30 it's 5:55 you slept more than you usually do how can you be tired." He asked.

"I don't know but I am. Go to work, I'm not going today. Just tell the team I'm sick" You said.

"Amelia, get up we both know you're not sick." He said, pulling on your arm.

You took the pillow off of your head and turned to look at him, you pulled your arm away from him and fake coughed, "see I'm sick. Bye, I love you, have a good day at work" you said.

He looked at you and sighed, "okay fine, I love you too bye." He said and placed a kiss on your head and walked out of the room.

You pulled the sheets over your head and tried to go back to sleep, you didn't have the energy to go to work today, you knew that if you kept missing work you'd probably end up getting fired but you didn't care. You could always just go and teach classes at a school.


"Hey Spence, where's Amelia?" asked JJ as I walked to my desk and sat down.

"Um, she's sick," I said.

"Oh well I hope she feels better" she said.

"Yea me too" I said.

It was 12:30 and I was going to go get some lunch. I went to the diner across the street and ordered some fries and a chocolate milkshake, while I waited I decided to check the cameras in the house to check in on you.

I checked the one in our room first and there you were on the bed just looking up at the ceiling. I saw the waitress come back with my food and I thanked her. I decided to call you to check in on you.

After the third ring you picked up, "hello?"

"Hey Princess, how are you?" I said.

"I'm fine, what's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong, I just wanted to see if you were okay. Did you eat something already?"

"No, I'm not hungry"

"Amelia, you need to eat something. How about I bring you something when I get home, what do you want"

"Can you bring me some chicken nuggets from that diner across the headquarters, and you I want to cuddle with you"

"Oh what a coincidence I'm actually at the diner right now. But of course I'll bring you some. I'll see you later, love you"

"I love you too." And then she ended the call. I finished eating my food and paid and went back to the headquarters.


You heard the beeping of the front door alarm turn on and quickly getting turned off. You realized that Spencer had gotten home. You checked the time and saw it was 6:32, you had been in the dark bathroom in the bathtub for almost an hour.

i'll always love you ~spencer reid Where stories live. Discover now