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It had been four hours since the team started to work on the case. You didn't really talk unless someone asked you something. You would just sit there and listen to the team and think about ways to find who had Jenna.

You were pulled out of your thoughts by Garcia.

"Oh god, oh god" she said.

You looked up and looked at her then saw the monitor behind her. It was a livestream of Jenna. She was restrained to a chair just like you were. She was unconscious, her head hanging forward.

You got up and walked out of the conference room. You walked into an empty office and sat down on the couch inside the office and just went back to staring at the necklace in your hands.

"Amelia, are you okay?" You heard from the doorway, you turned and looked at the door it was Spencer.

"No, Spencer I'm not going to sit in there and watch her get tortured and killed. I already watched my parents die. I'm not watching my best friend die." You said.

He came to you and sat down next to you, he put an arm around you and you out your head on his shoulder. "Amelia, she's not going to die. We're going to find and save her just like we found and saved you" he said.

"Spencer, Kevin and Lex we need to find them, what if the unsub does the same thing to her and makes her watch her siblings die." You said.

"Okay, I'll be right back in going to tell Emily to put a protective detail on them" he said and got up and left.

You felt your phone vibrate in the pocket of your sweatpants and took it out, you unlocked your phone and looked at the notification. It was a text message.

'4551 Adams Street' was all the message said. You got up and walked back to the conference room, when you walked in you noticed Jenna was now awake. She had small cuts all over her face.

"You guys I just got a message with an address" you said handing your phone to Emily.

"Garcia, check where this address is." Said Emily.

Her computer dinged and she looked up at all of you, "I just located where the stream is coming from and it's the exact same address in the message" she said.

"Okay let's go," said Emily, everyone got up and headed to the elevators. Emily pulled you aside. You stopped and looked at her confused.

"What?" You asked.

"Amelia I can't have you go in there, you can wait outside with the EMT's but I'm not letting you go inside with a gun to face the unsub" she said.

You sighed and nodded, "okay I'm fine with that" you said. She nodded and you two headed to the elevators.

As you sat in the backseat of the SUV next to JJ, while Emily drove and Spencer sat in the passenger seat, you took the necklace out of your pocket and looked at it.

When you got to the warehouse SWAT was already there. All three of them got out of the car and started to put on their vests. You decided you would stay in the car until you heard it was all clear in your ear piece.

Before they all walked away you opened your door and grabbed Spencer's arm, he turned and looked at you confused.

"If you go in there and she is dying before I get to see her promise me you'll tell her I love her." You said.

"I promise" he said and placed a kiss on your head and walked away. You went back and sat in your seat. You weren't really religious but for some reason you decided to pray.

i'll always love you ~spencer reid Where stories live. Discover now