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Jason was now five and looked just like Spencer. He wasn't as smart as Spencer but he was still pretty smart. He loved to read and watch Star Trek with Spencer.

He was definitely daddy's boy. He would always want to be with Spencer ever since he was born. You used to tell Spencer how it wasn't fair since you carried him for nine months and birthed him and Spencer just laughed.

"Happy Birthday to you," you and Spencer finished singing to Jason. He was turning five today and his request was to have a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting so only he could eat it and a baby brother or sister.

So because of his request you made him a small chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, "Can I blow out the candles now?" He asked.

"Yes you can," you said. He smiled and blew three out. You took them off the cake and put them on a napkin before you saw Jason grab the cake and smash his face into it.

"Jason!" You exclaimed while Spencer started laughing. Jason started eating it his face still in the cake.

"I did that to you last night," Spencer whispered in your ear.

You smacked him in the back of the head, "Shut up," You said.

"How exactly are we planning on telling him we're having another one?" He asked.

"I have no idea. I've been wearing your sweaters and he still only is five so I'm pretty sure that's why he hasn't processed the fact that I got fat all of a sudden," you said.

He laughed and you both kept looking at Jason as he kept eating his cake. You promised yourself you wouldn't have another kid after Jason because of how painful it was but you ended up getting pregnant again.

This time it was a girl and you were due twelve weeks. You knew Jason probably realized that you got super fat all of a sudden but you and Spencer didn't know how to break the news so you haven't told him.

"Mommy help me I have cake in my nose," said Jason.

You smiled and grabbed a napkin before helping him blow his nose. You wiped the rest of the cake from his face before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Mommy can I get milk?" He asked.

"Sure, but me and your dad have another present for you," you said as you poured some milk into a cup.

You gave it to him and sat down, "What is it?" He asked.

"We're having another baby," said Spencer.

"Oh I know, mommy got really fat and you guys have a lot of baby stuff in your room" said Jason.

You laughed, "But what do you want it to be a boy or a girl?" You asked.

"Girl! I want a sister!" He exclaimed.

You looked up at Spencer, "Guess this is easier than we thought," he said.

"Guess it is. Hey Jason congratulations you're getting a baby sister," you said.

Jason got off the chair and ran to you and grabbed your baby bump, "Can I name her?" He asked.

"Depends, what do you want to name her?" Said Spencer.

"Luna, like Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter," he said.

"Lunas a cute name," you said. Spencer thought for a second before he nodded.

"Yeah it is, so Luna what do we give her a middle name or no?" Said Spencer.

"Well we did want to name her Faith so why don't we name her Luna Faith Reid," you said as you grabbed Jason and put him in your lap.

"That's a good idea. Here Jason let go get you cleaned up your covered in cake," said Spencer grabbing Jason and going upstairs.

You sighed and started to clean up the mess on the table. You could here laughter upstairs and smiled. Ever since Jason was born you could tell Spencer had gotten happier. There was a smile on his face all day long which only got bigger when we got home and were with Jason.

When you told him you were pregnant again it was like he had gotten the best news of his life and when you found out it was a girl it just got even better. He immediately went to the store and came back with a bunch of little dresses and bows for her.

Now he had painted what used to get the guest room a lavender color and added bookshelves with the kids books you had bought when Jason was born. He had built a crib and added a bunch of stuffed animals in it.

He bought a frog one that was specifically for Jason when he was born and for Luna he bought a giraffe. You heard running and saw Jason appear around the corner dressed in a Harry Potter costume.

"Mommy look at what daddy bought me," he said.

"Wow, look at you." You said.

Spencer walked back into the kitchen and smiled like he was having a proud dad moment. You laughed and Jason went to the living room and started to play his favorite Harry Potter movie.

Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone, you looked over at Spencer, "You know he's never gonna want to take that off now," you said.

"I know but at least he looks adorable," he said.

"He does. You know I don't think this ones going to be very energetic she doesn't kick as much as Jason did. She only kicks me like three times a day if anything she's probably going to be like me and sleep all day"

Spencer laughed and crouched down lifting your shirt up a little to expose your bump. He place a kiss on it, "You said you didn't want another after Jason,"

"Yeah I didn't but it's okay. I'm going to love her no matter what. Also do you remember a couple years ago when I told you I'd gladly push out ten kids for you?"

"Oh that day when we first came to see this house together. Yes of course I remember,"

"Yeah I take it back I didn't know how painful it would be to actually give birth,"

He stood back up and pulled your shirt down, "Princess, I would've been happy with just one but now that we're having this one I'm even happier."

"Me too,"

"You know after Jason was born you got that sparkle in your eyes back and your beautiful smile came back. You deserve to be this happy after everything you've gone through" he said, tucking some hair behind your ear.

"We deserve to be happy. You've gone through a lot too Spencer in the time I've known you I don't think I've ever seen you this happy,"

He smiled, "I love you Princess, no matter what I'll always love you," he said.

"I'll always love you too my love," you said as he placed a kiss on your lips.

The end. :)

I'm currently writing a new book so stay tuned for that :)

8/26 update: thank you for 800 reads even when this story got just ten reads I was shocked and grateful. I started writing a new story and it would mean a lot if you can go give it a read <3

i'll always love you ~spencer reid Where stories live. Discover now