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Warning: Thoughts about suicide, alcohol.
It had been an hour since we guys landed in Chicago and we were driving to the hotel. When we arrived Emily handed us our room keys telling us to meet in the lobby by 7 tomorrow.

You walked into your room setting you bag down on the floor. You sat on the bed talking your foot on the floor before pulling out your phone and going to your contacts. After a the first few rings they answered.

"Honey? What's wrong it's really late," your moms voice said on the other end.

"Mom, it's Jenna,"

"What happened? Did you two get into a fight?"

"No, she's d-dead"

"No she's not honey. I saw to saw her a few hours ago she came into the hospital to say hello to your dad and I,"

"Mommy I saw the pictures. She was murdered her entire family was, Lexie and Kevin are fine but the rest of them are dead. My team and I are working the case right now,"

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry. How about you come see your dad and I tomorrow?"

"I'll see if I can. Sorry for waking you up, I'm gonna try to get rest,"

"It's okay, be safe. I love you,"

"Love you too, tell dad I said hi,"

You hung up and went to the mini fridge. You grabbed the mini bottles of alcohol and went back to your bed opening three. You drank them trying to see if they would help you feel better.

You were staring at the ceiling when there was a knock at the door. You sighed and pulled yourself off the bed, you opened the door and Spencer was standing there.

"Hey Princess" he said with a small sad smile.

You opened the door more for him to come in and walked back into the room. You sat down on the bed and opened another bottle of vodka as you heard the door close.

"Do you want one?" You asked him.

"No I'm okay." He said as he sat down on the bed next to you.

"Suit yourself." You said as you drank another one. You were about to drink another one when Spencer grabbed it out of you hand followed by grabbing the ones on your bed.

"Hey give it back" you said

"Amelia, you can't just drown your feelings in alcohol" he said.

"Actually I can," You said and tried to reach for the bottles.

"Amelia stop it I'm not giving them back. Now you have three options, you can either keep trying to fight me for the bottles, we can talk about it, or you can go to sleep. You choose" he said.

You sighed, "I'm choosing to take a shower and then go to sleep" You said. You stood up and walked to the bathroom slamming the door closed. I turned on the water and stripped of my clothes.

You were showering when you just froze because it had just hit you your best friend had been murdered, she was dead, you would never be able to see her again. You backed up against the shower wall and slide down as you started crying. You didn't realize how long you were in the shower until you heard knocking on the door.

"Amelia, are you okay. You've been in there for a long time" You heard. You tried to respond but nothing would come out. Next thing you know you saw the door swing open. Spencer saw you sitting on the shower floor, he grabbed a towel and handed it you as he turned the water off.

i'll always love you ~spencer reid Where stories live. Discover now