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"Jenna I don't think I told you enough when you were alive, but I love you so fucking much, I mean we have been best friends since we were born, and now you're gone." You said your voice breaking as you two walked along the beach.

"Love, I know you do, and I love you so much too. You know you have to fight, you can't just leave behind your life to stay here." She said, turning to look at you.

"I want to stay here with you and Josh, you two were my favorite people and now you're both gone and now my parents, I just don't think I can live without any of you." You said stopping and looking out into the ocean.

"Melly you have to fight, you can't just stay here. I promise you that if I was given the chance to fight I would have." She said.

You turned and looked at her, "Okay, I'll fight but I just want to stay here a little longer, I miss you so much I can't leave you just yet" you said.

"Okay," she said facing the ocean and closing her eyes, her beautiful slick brown hair flowing in the air, her tan skin glowing in the sunlight, she opened her eyes and looked at you, her brown eyes just as beautiful as you remember them and that smile that smile that light up the room just as contagious as it always was.

"You know Jenna, you will always be the love of my life." You said to her.

"And you will forever be mine. I thought that us being together was going to bring us apart instead it brought us closer after we ended" she said.

You smiled at her, "I thought the same thing." You said and sighed. "Jenna, do you think it's ever going to get easier." You asked her

"What do you mean?" she said.

"I mean do you think it's going to get easier after I go back. I mean all of you are gone, I only have my team which I obviously love but I have no more family left." You said.

"Amelia Martinez, you were the strongest person I knew. You lost your brother at such a young age and you didn't let that affect the way you lived life. You managed to grief and become successful at the same time. I don't think it's going to get easier but I know you will make it, you always do my love." She said with a tear rolling down her cheek.

You wiped the tear from her cheek and gave her a tight hug, "now go and get back to your life. I miss you so much and love you so much as well." She said.

You pulled away from the hug and looked at her, "I love you too and miss you so much words can't describe it. And like Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers always say" you said.

"I'm with you till the end of the line" you both said together and you hugged each other again. You two always said that because you guys loved watching Marvel movies together.


Spencer's POV:

"For Amelia Martinez" said the doctor. You had been waiting for an update for the past 7 hours 43 minutes and 7 seconds. Me and the team stood up.

"Okay, well she did lose a lot of blood so we gave her a small transfusion. But she's going to be okay. She had a dislocated shoulder, a concussion, a almost broken nose, a gunshot wound to the upper left quadrant of her abdomen which caused a rib to break, a stab wound to the thigh and a gunshot wound to her calf that broke her tibia. But the doctors were able to fix her up." The doctor said.

I let out a sigh of relief, you were okay, you were alive, I would get to hold you and love you again.

"When can I see her" I asked.

i'll always love you ~spencer reid Where stories live. Discover now