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You woke up three times during the night sweating and screaming. Spencer had to calm you down each time and you appreciated it. After the third time you woke up you decided to just stay awake.

You used Spencer's phone to make the call to the coroner's office since your phone was being processed as evidence. You ended up choosing to have them transferred back to Chicago and get buried in the same cemetery as your brother and the closest they could to your brother. This is also where Jenna and her family are buried. You'd just go visit them after you got out of the hospital. You ended up calling the hospital they worked at to inform them about their deaths. You also made the call to their bank to get their accounts cancelled and the money transferred to your account.

It hurt doing all of this, knowing your parents had died. You knew they were resting now but you couldn't help but have a couple tears come out of your eyes while doing this. You called all of the separate companies and cancelled their water, gas, and electrical accounts.

You were just finishing a phone call when someone knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in," you said quietly since Spencer was still sleeping.

The door opened and the team walked in. Penelope holding a basket.

"Hi you guys," you whispered with a small smile.

"Why are you whispering?" Asked JJ. You motioned your head towards a sleeping Spencer and they all looked over at him.

"Ohhh" said JJ, you nodded

"We're so glad you're okay, I brought you this to make you feel better." Said Penelope placing the basket on the table by the door. It was a basket of cookies.

"Thanks Garcia" you said.

"And I brought you my amazing pasta," said Rossi, putting a Tupperware next to the basket.

"Thank you Rossi" you said

"How are you feeling?" Asked Matt.

"Besides the fact that everything except for my left arm and right leg hurts, I'm okay." You said. They all chuckled.

"We're so sorry for your loss Amelia, if you need anything just know we're here for you" said Emily.

You gave them a small smile, "Thanks. Emily, can you do me a favor?" You said.

"Of course anything" she said.

"Can you give me that cup" you asked, pointing at the plastic hospital cup in the tray in front of you. She nodded and gave it to you. You grabbed it with your left hand.

You gripped it tightly and threw it across the room at Spencer, it hit him in the face and he woke up instantly, "ow" he said putting a hand up to his face.

The team started laughing, "Hey Spencer, the teams here" you said. He sat up and looked at all of you, he sighed and stood up and walked towards all of you.

"Hi you guys," he said as he stopped next to your bed.

"Amelia, how did you aim perfectly at him when you did it with your non-dominant hand?" Asked Luke.

"I honestly have to idea," you said, turning to look at Spencer who was still rubbing his cheek.

"I'm sorry" you said with a small chuckle. He looked down at you and smiled, "it's okay".

"You guys are so cute. I'm so happy for the both of you." Said Penelope. You both turned and looked at her and smiled. You looked at the team and they were all smiling at you two.

i'll always love you ~spencer reid Where stories live. Discover now