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After being in the hospital for six weeks you were finally able to get discharged. You had gotten the sling taken off after a week of being in the hospital and your wound on your thigh had healed and the slash on your collarbone too. Your gunshot wound in your abdomen still needs to have a bandage on it since it wasn't fully healed.

Spencer still wouldn't let you do too much because your shoulder still wasn't fully healed and your cast for your tibia still had to stay on for another two weeks, your rib was healed but there was still bruising that hurt when you laughed. You signed the paperwork and gave it back to the nurse. It was barely 9:30 am.

"Are you ready to go home Princess" asked Spencer.

"Super ready" you said, you were going to stand to get into the wheelchair the nurse had given you when Spencer stopped you.

"Stop, don't stand up, you're going to hurt your leg more." He said.

You sighed and just looked at him, he came up to you and picked you up bridal style and set you down in the wheelchair. He went back to the bed and grabbed both of your go bags.

"Here give me my go bag I can carry it in my lap." You said.

"No" he said and went to the back of the wheelchair and unlocked it and started pushing you. When you two got to your car he opened the back seat and tossed your go bags inside.

He opened the passenger door and came back to you and picked you up and put you down in the seat and buckled you. He closed the door and walked back into the hospital to take back the chair. You were exhausted, you hadn't gotten much sleep because of the nightmares.

He came back to the car and sat in the driver's seat. You looked at him and smiled. He scrunched his nose and you chuckled.

"I love when you do those nose scrunches you look so cute" you told him, he blushed and turned on the car. He started to drive to the complex. It took longer than it should have since you were in a different city. During the ride you kept looking at the scar on your thigh since you were wearing a dress because of your cast and plus it was the middle of July.

After an hour and a half you finally arrived. Spencer once again would let you get out of the car and walked to your side. He picked you up but this time you had your arms wrapped around his neck and your right leg around him while keeping your left leg a little straight, and your head rested on his left shoulder.

"Is your shoulder okay?" He asked.

"Yes," you said.

"Do you want us to stay in your apartment or mine?" He asked

"Yours please, you know you could've just taken the elevator instead of walking up the stairs right?" you said.

"I know," he said. He had his arms around your waist, when he reached his apartment he held you with one hand while he opened up the door. He walked in and put you down on the couch.

"I'll be right back Princess, I'm going to go get our bags okay?" He said. You hesitantly nodded. And he placed a kiss on your forehead and walked out of the apartment.

You stayed on the couch just looking around waiting for Spencer. It was ten minutes later and he still hadn't come back, you started to get worried. You balled your left hand into a fist and started rubbing it up and down your thigh.

It was now another five minutes later and still no sign of Spencer, you were about to get up when the front door opened. You let out a shriek and turned to look at the door, Spencer was standing there.

"I'm sorry if I scared you Princess" he said and walked towards you with your bags in his hands plus another one on his shoulder.

"Where were you, I was starting to get worried" you said as he sat down.

i'll always love you ~spencer reid Where stories live. Discover now