Ten: Thanksgiving Special

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Warning: Smut
Knife Play
Hair pulling


It was now the middle of November, you had gotten your cast taken off and we're going to physical therapy, and your shoulder had healed completely so had your rib and gunshot wound. You could walk with a slight limp, your doctor cleared you to go back to work but not to go into the field until another couple months.

You would just stay back at the BAU with Garcia. You would also stay at her place when the team would go away on cases because you were still paranoid about staying alone in your apartment. You started going to therapy after you got out of the hospital and it was helping a bit.

You would still get nightmares but wouldn't wake up screaming anymore just sweating and freaked out. Today was Thanksgiving and there wasn't a case so you and Spencer were getting ready to go to Rossi's for dinner. He said he invited a few more people and that it was a surprise.

"Babe, what dress should I wear?" you said holding up an emerald green satin dress that went a bit past your knees and a short brown satin dress. You two had just gotten out of the shower.

"You'd look gorgeous in either, but I personally like the brown one better for the occasion." He said.

"Okay the brown one it is" you said and hung the green one up again. You felt a hand crawl around your waist and then felt Spencer's lips on your neck.

"My love, we're going to be late" you said.

He hummed against your neck, "what if we just don't go, we can just stay here." He said and continued to leave kisses on your neck and started sucking lightly on some places.

"How about we go to dinner and then when we come back you can do whatever you want to me. I just want to see who the surprise guests Rossi invited are." You said.

"Okay fine" he said and placed one last kiss on your neck. You turned around and walked to the bed and took off your towel to get dressed.

You walked into the bathroom to straighten your hair and do your makeup which consisted of some foundation, mascara, blush, and highlighter, and some lip gloss. You had to cover up the light hickeys Spencer had left on your neck.

While you were doing that Spencer walked into the bathroom and you felt a slap on your ass. You looked in the mirror at him and saw he had a smirk on his face. He was wearing his usual black trousers and white button up with the sleeves rolled up.

"You look handsome, my love" you said.

"And you Princess, look gorgeous as always," he said. He moved next to you and started doing his hair. When you finished you walked back out to your room and grabbed your pair of heels.

"Are you sure you should be wearing heels, you know you have a slight limp when you walk" he said coming out of the bathroom.

"I'm not sure but I'm still going to wear them" you said as you started to put them on. Spencer just sighed and came up to you and helped you put them on.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yes let me just grab my purse" you said and went into your closet to grab your black Saint Laurent clutch bag and put your phone, card and lip gloss inside.

You two went down to the parking lot and got into your car, he decided he would drive. The whole drive there Spencer kept his hand on your thigh at times squeezing it lightly.

i'll always love you ~spencer reid Where stories live. Discover now