01.The end of my life

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Your point of view

[A playlist that will enhance your experience while listening: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4MFW7yFN8Ino8fDnhFGuUo?si=KoKVLYW1QjaJe5k0ztoiVQ&utm_source=copy-link]

My parents were killed in the war and since then I had been living on the streets struggling to live no matter what. It's been almost 5 years I think I can't remember since I've been living on the streets, orphaned at the age of 12 what else could I do?

Kids around my age were getting an education and preparing to be married in a few years. The poor girls were moving to the red light district to become concubines.

17-18 was the normal age for a female to sell her body to a man for money. But I didn't want to do that. At the age of 17 I somehow survived on working as a maid at peoples cottages, they would provide me with a place to stay for the winter. And helping in farms during the summer season.

Today I was kidnapped by these men who wanted to sell me at a slave market.
This was it for me, I thought this is where I'll become a slave for the rest of my life and die.

The highest bidder bought me and took me home blindfolded and threw me in his prison where I saw other slaves of all ages men, women, kids and even old people.

I wondered what was going to happen to us now. Where am I? Will they rape me? Will they make me their maid? Will they kill me for fun?

All these thoughts kept popping up in my mind. Suddenly some men in black clothes with their faces covered open the door and dragged us all out one by one.

I hear them whisper
"These are the people who are going to be sacrificed right?"

Sacrificed? For what? Why me? Why so many people?

They take us to a forest chain our hands and feet and they run away.

People start panicking and crawling on the ground trying to get away desperately in all directions. The man who went the farthest stopped moving. Another man who goes to see what happened to him screams.

"He's dead!" Moments after he drops to the ground.

"Oh God! It's him the curse of the mountain! Someone save us!!" Everyone starts crying and begging for their lives while hugging their loved ones.

People were still dropping dead like flies one after the other. For so, me reason I didn't feel like crying.

Ah, this was it, this is how my life ends in the end all my struggles were meaningless. At least I don't have to try so hard anymore.

The wind the leaves of the trees were rustling, it started to rain. The blood of the dead bodies got mixed with the rainwater and began to spread. Almost as if the rain was here to wash away all these people's suffering.

I was laughing. Others looked at me as if I had gone crazy. Soon everyone around me who was crying and screaming were dead it was finally quiet.

I look at the clouds clearing the sky leaving a starry night to be my last memory.

"Thank you for this final happy memory."

I close my eyes.


I open my eyes slowly.

"Why am I still alive..?"

I rub my eyes thinking I was hallucinating.

"You're not dead because I choose you."

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