26. Sadistic

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We both step out of the hot spring after a while. I accompanied her to her room.

"Goodnight Nobara."
I wish her before she enters the room.

"Goodnight Y/n. I may be too late but- I'm glad that I met you."
She looks at me with her amber eyes, full of hope waiting for my acknowledgement.

"I'm glad I met you too."
I grin.

She goes in. I turn around and head back towards the hot spring. On the way, I meet Gojo standing by the vending machine.

"Hey, Y/n!" He comes over.

"Have you seen him?"
I raise a question.

"Him? Oh, Sukuna he was just leaving the bath too. He fought with Megumi over not wearing a towel. That was so funny to watch you should've seen them-"
Gojo lays his hand on my shoulder and tells me more about the fight while drinking his strawberry milk.

"I'm not surprised he never liked covering up," I chuckle. The memory of the first time I had a bath with him returned. He was still the same as before. The only difference was his body. He was 7ft tall with four arms and whatnot.

I see Yuji and Megumi coming out of the men's bath. Gojo waves at them to come to us.

"I don't know how did you even stand that guy for so long Y/n he's just too egoistic and immodest-"
Megumi rolls his eyes at Sukuna who came out without a towel.

"Someone's arrogant about their size-"
Gojo takes out his phone but I snatch it from his hand.

Megumi takes a towel from the nearby stands and throws it at Sukuna's face. He catches it. Megumi storms off. Yuji not knowing what to do stands next to Gojo.

"You took too long Y/n. I was just about to head into the women section if you had come a second later."
His eyes trace my robe and stopped at Gojo's hand still resting on my shoulder.

"My bad, I was just escorting Nobara to her room and forgot to hurry back."
I look at him just holding the towel near his waist, it fell on his pubes barely hiding the rest, he wasn't even bothered enough to wrap it around covering what needed to be concealed.

He suddenly launches a fire spell towards Gojo who barely dodges it because of his infinity. It was small but destructive enough to burn almost everything behind him. Of course, it didn't bother me because I wasn't the one he was aiming for and Yuji was immortal so even if it hit him he would survive.

But he freaked out.

Yuji pulls Gojo away from me by the sleeves.

Gojo looks at him wide-eyed, as he was about to say something he notices Sukuna's hostility towards him disappeared.

Sukuna without minding them holds my wrist and drags me into the private sauna.

"U-uh Sukuna my wrist hurts-!?" I whine.

He ignored me.

He saw the other couple who was inside and glared at them. They got frightened of him, humiliated and left in a hurry.

[Nsfw/ blood warning!]

He threw me down in the mildly hot water and locked the door. I was wet from head to toe again. The white robe soaked in water couldn't hide my body anymore. It was worse than being naked. You could see it sticking to my breast revealing my erect nipples.

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