15.Cursed Love

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"Hello, Y/n-san?"

"Yes, what is it Yuji-kun?"

"Can you come over to my place right now? I need your help with something. If you aren't busy that is-"

"Fine, I'm coming."

I cut the call loosen my shirt go to the closet and change into something else.

Now for the finger.

"Domain expansion. A Thousand years prison."

I open my domain and look at all the other trapped souls, curses and humans in it.

"Good day to you all too."

I walk into my own personal highest security prison, built just for Sukuna's fingers.

I close it and head down in the elevator then walk to the Jujutsu high school. There was no one around surprisingly. It looked almost empty. I walk to Yuji's room and knock. Suddenly someone puts a blindfold on me and drags me inside.

"Who is it?"

I ask calmly.

"Hey did you miss me Y/n?"

That voice was his. A voice I'd never forget. Not even in a thousand years.

I take off my blindfold and see Yuji just standing there without his shirt, it was Sukuna's curse marks that were visible on his body and had gotten even deeper in colour than before.

"You took long enough to come back baka-"

I pounce on him in excitement and he hugs me as we fall on the ground together.

"Well, it wasn't easy with this brat being able to control me for some reason."

"Then what about now?"

"I forcibly put him to sleep after binding him in a contract. I can finally talk to you Y/n..Touch you."

"I'm so happy to see you again, you can't even begin to imagine how lonely I was without you alone. For a thousand years."

"I'm sorry Y/n. I missed you too."

We kiss, touch and explore every inch of each other's bodies. Until I finally stop and sit on his stomach.

"I want to talk to you more. For all the times I couldn't. I want to feel you. But not in this body. I want you."

"I want to get out of this body too Y/n."

"And you will be able to soon."

"Domain expansion. A thousand years prison."

"You've grown so much. I'm proud of you Y/n."

"I did learn from the best. The king of curses. My lover."

I help him get up and we walk deeper into the domain, everyone who laid their eyes upon us looked away and trembled in fear.

"So your Domain is an endless blood lake?"


We walk up to the prison and he was surprised. It was a replica of our castle where we fell in love. Where we eloped.

"So this is your prison huh."


"Yeah, ours."

I led him in holding his hand into our bedroom.

"This is where I've kept all the fingers."

"How romantic of you to do so Y/n."

"All for you."

I open the closet and lay all the fingers on the bed one by one.

He hugs me from behind and he whispers in my ear.

"Tell me all about what happened in those years, all those nights without me."

"Well, it's a long story."

"We have all the time in the world now Y/n."

"We do."

We both sit at the same place all those years ago, the edge of the window. I even replicated the way the moon looked that day.

"You know Souta was actually royalty. His mother was a runaway princess. She didn't want to get married to a stranger because she fell in love with a commoner."

"Just like us then."

I laugh.

"Yeah, only she didn't have to wait a thousand years to meet her lover."

He pulls me closer making me lean on him. I make myself comfortable in his chest.

"You'll never be alone again.."

"I'd like that."

I feel a tear rolling down my eyes and he wipes it off.

I bend down and kiss him. It didn't feel weird. Even if it wasn't his own body it was still Sukuna.

He gets up and kisses me back picking me up and laying down with me on the bed.

"So are you ready to eat your fingers?"

"I was until you put it like that."

"Even you find it gross huh?"

"Not really, but I'd rather eat you up."

He looks at me seductively and eats a finger.

"You can always do that with your own body."

We were interrupted by Gojo's presence coming closer near the school. I quickly closed my domain and Sukuna wore Itadori's clothes.

"I'll see you again."

"Till next time Y/n."

I kiss him when we hear a knock at the door and he exchanges his consciousness with Yuji.

"Hey, Yuji- Oh my!"

Gojo covers his mouth with his hand and hides behind the door only peeking in with his head.


Yuji moves away from me in embarrassment. Oh shit, I need to play it off now.

"Ah, I'm sorry Yuji-kun I tripped."

"Did you~? Aren't you just lying and trying to hide your feelings?"

Gojo tries to tease me.

"I'm not Gojo-san."

I get up from the bed.

"Anyways I came to meet you because you called me Yuji-kun."

"Oh, that's right! Gojo-sensei!"

"Got it Yuji-kun! Follow me Y/n!"


I follow them both and suddenly everyone appeared with flowers and party hats.

"Happy birthday Y/n!!!"

Everyone wished me all at once.

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