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He didn't press me any further.

We head downstairs and get an umbrella from the convenience store next door.

He was still standing. Unbothered by the rain.

"You can head back. I'll just give him the umbrella and be right back."
I sighed and told Sukuna to wait for me inside.

"Don't try saving him. Your saviour complex is getting out of hand Y/n. Let him be." He stopped me by grabbing my wrist. He was right.

Maybe it was because I felt bad for them, that I pitied them, for they had only each other. And I wanted to be a part of it.

I couldn't deny it.

Wanting to be a part of their lives, wanting them to play a part in my life.

I hadn't gotten closer to anyone else like these people in hundreds of years since this man left me.

And I thought of them as my family.

"I know. But I want to." I don't want us to part ways.

He let my hand go.

"Fine." He said. "I'll be waiting," he leaves.

I know he doesn't like me acting out but he will always forgive me, I am his, after all.

He thinks that I'm just playing house with them. And therefore he allows me to do so.

They're all nothing compared to him. As he knows.

I stop in my tracks, a few steps away from Gojo.

"Gojo Satoru. What will you do now?"
I toss the umbrella to him. He doesn't even bother catching it. It just falls next to his feet.

"Can you just leave me alone Y/n? I'm sure it isn't much to ask considering how your owner doesn't want you hanging around humans like us anyway." He placed a flower bouquet of white lilies and roses on his friend's grave.

"No. I refuse." I pick up the umbrella and open it shoving it in his hands.

"What do you gain out of doing this Y/n? Haven't you had enough of toying around with them?" He was blunt and quick to question my conscience.

To think that they trusted me so little. . .

But then I also gave them plenty of reasons not to in the past.

"Of course Y/n's just worried about you Gojo sensei!" I heard a voice coming from behind us. It was Yuji. I could tell before even looking at him. Just by his words.

"Y/n's earned it Gojo sensei. She deserves our trust after everything she's done for us. And we also care about her-" Megumi and Yuji surround Gojo and me, forcing all of us under a single umbrella.

"So don't push us away Gojo sensei. Don't leave us." Yuji was awkwardly trying to maintain some gap between me and him in this group hug.

"We can never replace your best friend. The bond you had with him. The way you thought he was a part of your soul." Megumi states, "but we'll always be here for you. From now. . . until the day we die."

"Yuji. . Megumi. . .Y/n-" Gojo finally looked at them. He had bags under his eyes along with tears that hadn't dried up yet. He looked like a kid that lost his way back home.

"Just accept that your home now is us. With us is where you belong Gojo Satoru. The same goes for you Yuji, Megumi and even Nobara." I notice that Yuji and Megumi's shoulders were getting wet because the umbrella wasn't big enough for the four of us. So I threw it away.

"What the-!? Y/n!"
Megumi's bangs fall on his face because of the heavy downpour.

"Y/n! Why did you do that?"
Yuji laughs at Megumi and Gojo's faces being hidden by their hair.

"Your shoulders were getting wet anyway! What are you brats afraid of a little rain?"
I untie my hair and laugh at them trying to catch the umbrella that was flying away.

Gojo finally laughs and turns towards us,
"You'll regret this Y/n!", he jumps into the puddle next to me splashing the muddy water all over my clothes.

"Hey! That was a cheap trick!" I look at my pants covered in dirt. Thankfully I was wearing black or it would've been way worse.

"Y/n- your shirt-"
Yuji turns red and looks away.

I look at it. It had become see-through. I was wearing white. Which were a mistake and the rain made it clear. But I was still wearing a bra. A red one, which Sukuna chose of course.

"Nice taste Y/n", Gojo whistles.

"Thank you, I always know what's best for Y/n. Now fuck off Satoru." An oversized warm coat makes its way to my shoulder accompanied by an umbrella over my head.

I turn to the familiar scent of cigarettes and deodorant. I was greeted by a kiss. Maybe it was the rain, but the warmth of his lips pressed against mine felt better than usual.

"Hello to you too babe." I lean back, resting the back of my head against his chest looking at him take another puff after the kiss. He knew I wanted more. His indirect way of telling me to wait for him, to be a good girl and be patient was never off the mark.

He drops the cigarette and squashes it with his shoe, "Hold this for me, will you?" He hands me the umbrella then slides his hands around my waist, hugging me from behind, buttoning the coat for me.

"Thanks, babe-"

"Let's go back. Thanks for all the help from everyone except Sukuna." Gojo tries to make a witty comeback but he was dragged away by the boys.

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