02.The life of a curse

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I slept peacefully after ages. Occasionally he'd look at me and sleep again. Was he worried that something would happen to me in my sleep?

Morning came by later than it usually would maybe it was because I wasn't sleeping on the streets but in a room with curtains and a comfortable bed.

I woke up and saw him still laying on the bed. I didn't know whether to wake him up or let him sleep so I get up and go for a stroll around the castle.

I walk out and into the garden only this place seemed unkempt compared to the rest of the castle maybe because there were graves behind it. I didn't want to go there alone even if there wasn't anything there to see I had seen enough people die in front of me to willingly go see more dead people.

I picked a few flowers that I thought would look good in the empty vase in the room. If I was going to live here for the rest of my life I could at least find something relaxing to look at every single day.

I head back inside when I hear him yelling.

"Did you have fun picking flowers human?"

He walks down the stairs half-naked. I close my eyes with my hand dropping the flowers and pick them up in a panic when he bends down and helps me gather them.

"You sure are a clumsy human."

He yawns.

"It's (Your name) not human this human that"

I puffed my cheeks in anger.

"I like my woman better."

He says walking back towards the bedroom. I follow him.

I place the flowers in the vase and look at what was he doing. He was searching for something I wonder what was it so I walk up to him and ask him in a low voice.

"Are you searching for something?"

He stops and looks at me examining me from head to toe and goes,

"We'll be visiting different places today so I want you to dress up."

I open the closet and choose something to wear this time he leaves the room to let me change I wasn't sure why but I liked to be able to change in private.

I finish wearing a black yukata and he knocks. I open the door and to my surprise, he was also wearing a black kimono.

"Oh look we look like husband and wife with the same attire."

He says then holds my hand. We walk to the banquet hall eat and head out. Maybe because he was hiding his identity no one noticed that a curse was walking among humans.

I look at the kids who were lying at the side of the road. That was me not long ago.

An old woman bumps into us Sukuna looked at her like she had just ruined his entire day before he could say anything I help her get up and make sure to ask her if she's fine and does she need help.

"Oh no, I'm fine don't waste your time helping an old woman like me enjoy your time with your husband."

She says looking at me and then him. He smiled.

"Thank you Grandma we're newlyweds, now that we know you're fine we'll be taking our leave."

He drags me away. I couldn't believe my eyes did a curse just to be polite to a human? And he was happy by that old ladies words about us being husband and wife? He also said that we were newlyweds!?

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