13.Reborn as a curse

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I don't know how long has it been since I left Souta's castle, but now I'm travelling all across Japan on foot. Finding of incidents that involve curses. I don't know what am I supposed to do other than this. I never stay in one place longer than I need. Nobody needs to suffer because of me again, as that village did.

I visit Souta's castle once a year and each time I go he looks older and older. But I never change. A body that won't grow any older. There were a lot of people who wanted to catch me and use me as their sheep to breed and test various things on.

Along the road, I finally figured out what was my cursed power useful for. It's a power that allows me to heal, mend or break a person's soul. I'm sure he must've thought that I could make good use of this ability to bring him back together.

I was summoned to the castle once more in secret to meet Souta on his deathbed. I rushed and reached there as fast as I could. I saw him just lying there on his bed, his hair was all white, his arms were fragile. I felt a sharp pain in my chest as I sat by his side holding his hand looking at him.

"Oh, you're back again..this year Big Sis.."

"Yeah, I'm back.."

"How was your year..?"

"It was good I met a lot of good people through my travels.."

"I see..I was worried you'll never go near people again.. guess I don't have to worry about you Big Sis.."

"Yeah, you don't have to.. goodbye my dear Souta."

He closes his eyes, I caress his face with my hand for the last time and get up and leave.

It's now been 50 years since the day I woke up. Souta just passed away yesterday. I attended his funeral and saw his kids and wife. I wish I could approach them and tell them what a kind man he was but it's better if they forget about my existence. After all, a person who never ages or dies would be a hindrance to them.

That was the last time I had ever gotten close to a person. I started writing a diary so that I wouldn't forget all the good things and people I've met in my life.

"Dear Sukuna, It's been 20 years since Souta died, I just attended the crowning ceremony of the new king, Souta's son turned out to be a great ruler just like him."

I chose to address it to Sukuna instead of writing Dear Diary.


"Dear Sukuna, it's been another 100 years and now there's another war in which Souta's descendants fought. This time they won. Japan is now recovering from its horrible past. I've only found two of his fingers until now. It wasn't as easy as I thought to keep tracking them."

"Dear Sukuna, it's been 200 years since I woke up and have been on a journey to collect your soul's fragments. I've witnessed countless deaths, new rulers, wars. It just never ends. I'm used to it now."

"Dear Sukuna, it's now been 500 years, I'm sorry I keep forgetting to write here. Things have been changing a lot with rebellious samurai are trying to purge the rule of the king."

"Dear Sukuna, it's been 800 years since that day, things have changed a lot in Japan now. I have collected 10 of your fingers from fighting Jujutsu sorcerers, it took me a while because I wasn't strong enough. I hope you'll forgive me for it."

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