10.A new Year

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[A playlist to enhance your reading experience:

https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4MFW7yFN8Ino8fDnhFGuUo?si=E8FyFfhuQleM-VhagMhLdw&utm_source=copy-link ]

"Eh just like that?"

"Do you want to do all those troublesome traditions?"

"Not really but wasn't that a bit fast."

"We've basically done everything a married couple is supposed to do before marriage."

"Mhm.. yeah."

I clumsily walk out and grab some snow in my hand.

"Come here Sukuna."

"What is it-"

I shove a handful of snow in his face.

"Merry Christmas."

"You little-"

I try to run away but trip and fall face on in the snow. He laughs and picks me up.

"You clumsy little thing."

"I know that's why you always help me."
My feet were sinking in the snow.

"Let me lie down."

"As you wish."

He lays me down on the snow and sits beside me.

I roll around in the snow. He just keeps watching me. I finally get tired and look up with my hand stretched towards the sky.

"We'll be spending countless seasons together now won't we?"

"Yeah. Summer, winter, autumn and all the rest."

"To the endless seasons."

We both get up after it had gotten colder and went back inside.

"Hm, I don't think we'll find any animals roaming outside in this cold."

"I could go looking but will you sit in one place?"
He looks at me doubtfully.

"You know me, I can't just sit in one place doing nothing."

He sighs.

"How about I go visit the village down the hill?"


"But they won't suspect me I look the most humane out of us both-"

"That may be true, but what kind of human girl lives all by herself at the top of the mountain? I don't trust anyone but myself with you. You should know that as well, experiencing firsthand how nasty humans are."

There was nothing I could say against that. So I had to give up on going down by myself.

"Then why don't you join me!?"

It was a weird thought but we could make it work!

"And how do you propose I hide my monstrous look?"

"That's easy!"

I pick a long scarf from my bag and wrap it around his face.

"You can just hide your face like this and the kimono you're wearing is already big enough to hide your extra hands!"
I slap his shoulder in approval.

"Do you think this will work?"

"It will!! Come on let's go!"

We pack a bag and walk down the hill after the snowstorm goes away.

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