22.Pure bliss

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He finally stopped. I was so tired that I couldn't even get up to go open the door when the bell rang. He goes and takes the parcel. He sits down next to me and I place my chin on his thighs.

"Open it."

He opens it and tries to find a way to turn it on but struggled cutely. I help him and explain all the features of the phone to him.

"So like this?"

"Yep, that's how you take a photo."

He flashes the phone in my eyes. And continues to take even more photos of me.

"Hey- I'll go blind-"

"Oh sorry, I just wanted to capture all of you."
He used every opportunity he got to flirt with me as always.

"It's fine ~ but let's go! We have a whole date planned!"

"Okay okay. Do you want me to change?"

"Hmhn maybe this would look better on you."

I hand him a black suit. He wears it and we head out, we reach the Eiffel Tower. I was walking behind him holding his hand and my eyes travel down his back.

 I was walking behind him holding his hand and my eyes travel down his back

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That ass-
I unintentionally grab it.

"I know I'm sexy but could you at least warn me before you do something like that in public Y/n?"

All eyes were on me, yes, I a lady, grabbed a mans ass in public and have no shame admitting it.

"Your reactions better when I don't warn you though."

We both laugh it off then go up the tower. We lean on the edge together looking at the town.

"What's so special about a damn tower anyways?"

"It's not about the tower but the memories and the person you're with."

"All my memories with you are special Y/n. I don't need to go anywhere to make it special."

We kiss.

Some random kid yells,
"Mommy those two are sticking their faces together!"

She gets embarrassed and drags her child away. That didn't stop us though. We made our way back down explored all the famous restaurants and go back to the hotel. After a week we catch a flight and go to Disneyland. After reaching we both go on the rollercoaster ride. We both sit on a bench having cotton candy. He liked it more than me.

"Say do you ever feel like going back to Japan?"

"I don't care wherever in the world I am if I am with you Y/n. The question is, do you want to go back?"

"I. . . do miss it sometimes. Don't get me wrong I love spending all my time with you, exploring the world. But we can just do it forever since we don't age or die."

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