06.My little human

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I screeched so loudly that the birds from the trees nearby flew away. I slipped from the window and was falling. I saw him leap after me to catch me. No don't come.. don't save me... I don't want to know what happens after this..let me just die having only experienced this last tragic memory no more suffering to come.

"Y/n!" He yelled as he took hold of me and we both fall on the ground, he saves me from falling on the soil acting as my cushion. Luckily we land on a bush, he just lies there for a moment then looks at me and asks,

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"
He turns to me.

Why would you ask me that if you don't care?

"I'm fine...why did you help me?"
I look away.

He points to the moon.

"It'd be a shame if you died on such a beautiful full moon."
His voice was soft.

"Well it wouldn't matter to me everyone dies either way, now or later, rich or poor. Death doesn't discriminate."
I look at the dirt and scratches on his hand.

"Now you sound like an old geezer." He snickers.

He pauses.

"I don't plan to die...in a humane way anyway." There was a slight clue of darkness in his words.

"What do you mean by that?" I turn around and ask resting my head on his chest looking at him.

"After I die I'll probably turn into a curse that can live without a body." He hid his eyes resting his hand on his face.

"Well good for you, I won't be there to irritate you for eternity." I made a cruel joke.

"That's the one thing I'll miss," His voice nearly seemed to crack.

"That's a nice joke." I took a deep breath trying to forget about the stinging pain in my heart.

"Except it's not."
He growls.

What does he mean it's not?

I look up at him.

He looks down at me.

It felt like this was the moment I had been waiting for, as I was about to ask what does he mean by that he presses a finger on my lips,

"Let me."

We both sat down together facing each other, he holds my tiny hands, looking at them he says,

"You might be the dumbest human on earth to not get what I meant after I said it almost a hundred times," He smiles, a real, relaxed smile spreads across his face.

"What do you mean I'm dumb!? You never said anything that would've hinted at your feelings!"
I wanted to slap him.

Seriously? This bastard-

He pulls me by my hair and kisses me.
It felt different this time he was rather passionate not forceful at all, he pulled back soon and places his forehead against mine looks me in the eyes and goes,

"Can't you get a damn clue, you dumb little human?"

"No I can't unless you spell it out for me," I say stubbornly.

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