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After that battle, we took Nobara to the hospital she lost one of her eyes.

We were in such a hurry that we also got Getou's corpse along with us. It was hidden in a black bag.

While she was in the ICU we all were sitting inside and Gojo was in the morgue with his body. I told Yuji and Megumi that I was going to see how was Gojo doing and they said they'll be waiting for me back there.

I and Sukuna go to the morgue together by the stairs.

I knock on the door before entering.

"Gojo. . . have you decided what do you want to do with his body?"
I look at him sitting next to the opened bag. He was leaning on Getou's body placing his ear on his chest.

"He really is dead. For real this time."
He gets up.

"He was always dead. You know that even without checking his heartbeat."
Sukuna sighs.

"I do. I was just making sure. . . nevermind. What business do you have with me now Y/n?"
He doesn't even bother looking at us. His eyes were just stuck to his friend's corpse.

"I don't need to remind you what you need to do right?"
I lock the door.

"I know. I'll make sure I get rid of his body this time. So that he can be at peace."
Gojo picks it up.

"If you aren't comfortable doing it I can help-"
I offer him my help.

"No. I'm sorry Y/n. You can't help me. I don't even know if I can forgive you yet."
He closes the bag.

"She's doing you a favour by telling you at all. She could've just let them capture you and then you'd enjoy being tortured by your dead friend but she saved you. Stop being such a whiney bitch."
Sukuna places his hand on Gojo's shoulder.

"It's acceptable of him to be angry Sukuna dear. . . let him go. I don't need to be the good guy in everyone's eyes."
I pull his hand away from Gojo.

Gojo doesn't say anything but gives me a small smile and leaves. We both head back upstairs to where the boys were sitting.

"So what did the doctor say?"
I ask them.

"She should be able to recover in a month or so after plastic surgery. I'm just happy she's alive. . ."
Yuji stands up.

"She was always a tough one.  When she wakes up she'll laugh it off like it was nothing. You both should get treated too."
I point to their torn and bloody clothes.

"It's just some minor injuries we'll be fine Y/n-"
Megumi tries to avoid the topic.

"Nurse! I need someone to patch them up!'
I yell.

All the nurses from nearby come running after taking a glimpse of these handsome injured young men and drag them away by force.

Yes, I did that on purpose.

I go in to see Nobara after asking the doctor if it was okay for me to enter. He allows me to. Sukuna waits for me outside.

She was asleep. They patched her up cleanly. They dressed her wounds and stopped the bleeding.

I come out after a few minutes after making sure that she was fine.

"I'm tired."
I sit down next to Sukuna.

"Come here."
He pulls his legs together and caresses his thighs.

I lay my head on his lap.

He slips my hair behind my ear as I look at him.

"Do you think. . . we can live in peace now?"
I reach for his face when he holds my hand and kisses my palm.

"I didn't do this for peace Y/n. I did it for you. Whether we face hardships in our distant future or not it doesn't matter to me. With you by my side, I don't have anything else to worry about."
He rests his face against my palm.

"Neither do I."
I press my thumb on his lips.

"Your lips are dry."
They were dry and rough.

He had a habit of biting his own lips whether he did it unconsciously or not, I do not know. But I find it sexy.

He bends down and presses his lips on mine forcing me to part them as he melted all my worries away with a kiss.

"Mhm. . .I could do this all night."
He pulls back, with his face inches away from mine stares into my eyes as if he could see through them and into my soul.

"Could you stop making out in front of the ICU?"
Megumi arrives with a bag full of drinks in his hand.

"Don't you guys get tired of sucking each other's faces at the time Y/n? Sukuna?"
Yuki sighs and sits down next to me.

I look at Megumi standing next to him getting about to sit.

"What about our drinks?"
I ask.

"Here. I didn't forget."
He hands me a can of hot coffee.

"And his?"
I look at the bag.

He hands me a can of beer. I take it and thank him.

I give it to Sukuna still laying in his lap.

He shakes and opens it taking a sip then kissing me, pouring the cold beer from his mouth to mine.

"How was it?"
He wipes the foam off my lips.

"Cold and tasted like metal. Canned beers no good."
I get up and open my canned beverage.

"Stop being so fussy. This is the best you'll get from a vending machine in a hospital. Leave if you wanna go get wasted so badly."
Megumi was not in a great mood.

"Relax we're all here for Nobara not to fight among ourselves."
I sigh and look at the clock. It was past 7 am we had spent the entire night in the hospital, at this point I was getting impatient myself.

I look at the doctor come out of the ICU.
He tells us that it's okay for all of us to visit her now that she was fully awake.

At this news came Yuji and Megumi ran inside to see her. I and Sukuna went in after them.

"Pfft- you look hilarious with that cast and all the funny things written on it Fushiguro."
Nobara laughs looking at his left arm that had to be plastered because it was broken.

"Shut up. How did you even survive after losing an eye? We were afraid that you wouldn't make it. Why are you so reckless Kugisaki?"
Megumi looks at her other half face that was supposed to hide her disfigured face.

"You're one to talk Megumi."
I sit down next to her.

It was unlike him to get carried away and get injured. But Yuji wasn't any better he also had bandages wrapped around his head and his rib cage because he broke a few ribs.

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