27. Revenge

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"You're so hopeless without me Y/n."
He pulled me on his lap. His hands were on the side of my thighs. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You already know that babe."
He finally kissed me. A long-lasting passionate kiss this time. I liked it when he was rough but also when he was soft only for me.

His dick was throbbing as it couldn't wait to enter me. Wreck my insides.

He grabbed me by the ass and positioned me on top of his dick. Without warning me or wasting another moment he pulls my hips down shoving his dick inside me.

I gasp loudly laying my head on his shoulder digging my nails in his back because of the pain from his dick ramming against my cervix. I knew how big his dick was and how hard it was for me to take it but that doesn't mean that I would stop. Sex with him was so addictive that I would forget the pain and remember only the pleasure I got from it.

He caresses my back and kisses my ear.
"Say my name Y/n. All I want to hear from your mouth is my name and your cries of love for me."

"S-Sukuna. . .my. . Ryomen Sukuna."
I say weakly clinging onto him.

He pulls my hair back and leaves traces of his kisses from my shoulder, over the bite mark. I turned to look at him and he presses his lips against mine. I could taste a hint of blood in his saliva as he teased my lips with his tongue. I liked being teased by him, but not so much, so I played his game. I parted my lips and kissed him, forcing my tongue in, kissing him roughly, exploring every part of his mouth and covering it with my spit. I knew he liked it when I stopped playing innocent.

He then hugged me tightly and moved his hips. He made me bounce on his lap as he thrusted his dick in me but not all the way in.

My cunt squeezed his dick in pleasure. It wanted more. All of him. My entire sexual frustration since the time we landed here was finally being released.

"Don't t-tease me like this. . ."
I say in frustration.

"I've spoiled you enough haven't I Princess? So tell me how hard do you want to be fucked tonight?"
He pulls my hair back harshly, forcing me to look at his face.

"Please fuck me harder- Ahh-!! I want you all the way inside me. "
I tell him about my deepest shameful desires. And that's all it took. Me being honest about how dirty I am, how desperate I am for him, turned him on. He does exactly what I asked for.

He stopped teasing me, holding back and fucked me like the crazy bitch I was for him.

With every thrust my pussy remembered all the curves, edges and thickness of his cock like it had been waiting for it. It felt so good to be filled by him that it melted into the shape of his cock.

I don't know what was even happening even more. My mind was blank all I could think of was how good I felt as he fucked me while kissing me.

Not wearing protection added to the thrill. Besides we didn't even know if we would actually be able to have a kid. Being curses. So what else do we have in our neverending life except for love and sex?

I loved it when he said my name when he was close to peaking. It made me feel like I had complete control over his pleasure.

He loved putting me in positions that we embarrassing for me. And every time I would tell him to stop he would stop moving and tease my clit.

He pushed my thighs apart as he held them down eating me out from the back then bent me over and fucked me like the horny slut I was for him.

I don't even know how many times did I climax. But his semen that was leaking out of me I wanted it all in me, with each time his thighs hit my ass, he stuffed me with more of his cum.

It exhausted me more than I could have ever imagined. Even my throat hurt from moaning at this point. My legs felt like they had been ripped away from my body. He was still fine like the beast he is. If he wasn't holding me I would've already passed out. He noticed me being tired as hell and stopped to kiss me then laid me down on him as he acted as my cushion on the hard floor. I curled up against his chest.

"How are you feeling Y/n. . .?"
He kissed the tip of my nose.

"Like I'm about to pass out- you never hold back do you?"
I look down at my body. His cream was all over me. On my breasts, my stomach, my thighs, I didn't mind it to be honest. But I couldn't stay like this.

"What fun would it be if I did? Here use this."
He grabs the towel he was supposed to use and hands it to me.

But I was too tired to even move.

"Could you help me?"
I sigh.

"Okay Y/n, it's my fault you're a mess anyway. Let me take care of you."
He gives me a peck on the lips and wipes my body with the towel.

"Can I just rest for now in your arms?"
I ask.

"I'll take us back to our room so you don't need to worry."
He gets up carefully with me in his arms, places the towel on me and carries me.

He opens the door carefully trying not to make too much noise because I was resting my head on his chest on the way back to the room.

"Are we back. . .?"
I try to open my eyes but he kisses my eyelids.

"Yes, we are. You don't need to get up.
You can go to sleep now. You did well. Good night Y/n. . .I love you. "
He lays me down on the bed, covers me with the blanket. Then touches me, holds me, kisses me and makes me feel safe.

I fell asleep.


We both were then woken up by the bell of our room ringing continuously for minutes together.

Sukuna gets up wears a pair of shorts and opens the door while I pulled the sheets to cover myself.

"It's Yuji! We can't find him anywhere!"
Nobara enters the room. Megumi also steps in.

"Did you both check everywhere? His room? The kitchen? That Satoru's and your rooms? Don't tell me you came to disturb us without checking the entire place first."
Sukuna was not a morning person. This aggravated him even more.

"Of course we did! We're not stupid to come to see you this early in the morning to spoil our day!!!"
Megumi yells.

I could tell Sukuna was going to kick some sense into him for yelling at him but I tried to intervene and stop them from fighting pointlessly.

"Calm down he's not a kid. When was the last time you saw him?"
I get up wrapping the sheet around myself heading towards the closet. They both look away.

"It was last night. . . he was talking about Nanami-san."
Megumi looks at the floor clenching his fist.

"He was close to Yuji. But he died."
Nobara places her hand on Megumi's shoulder to calm him.

"Was it him?"
I ask.

"You think so too Y/n?"
Sukuna turns to me.

"It was Mahito. . .that fucking curse."
Megumi slams his first on the walk next to him.

"So he must have gone back for revenge, now that he's immortal and free, he thought that he can do whatever he wants without facing the consequences of his actions."
I take chose a set of black coloured attire because I had a feeling that today was going to be a busy day.

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