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I move back grazing his length with my skin.

His grip tightens. Oh, he must've felt nice. How cute.

"You little.."
He bites his lower lip with his vampire-like teeth.

[Nsfw warning to skip scroll down a few paragraphs]

His thing makes his way between my thighs all the way up that I could almost see the top on the surface of the water. He folds my hand behind my back and slowly moves his thing touching against my flaps.

It felt hot and really stimulating I couldn't help but making a weird noise.

"Don't suppress it."

He pushes two of his finger in my mouth while still rubbing his thing against my flaps, his other hands on my breasts fondling them.

This feeling felt foreign to me and exciting as well.

I cover his fingers with my saliva. He kisses my nape sucking and biting on it. It hurt a little but all the pain was washed away by my other pleasures.

He finally took his fingers out of my hand and licks off my saliva from his fingers. He pulls my head back facing him and kisses me. His other hand travels down my stomach to the entrance of my lady parts.

He brushes his fingers against my folds and spreads them. He rams his thing into it. It hurts even more than I imagined. A tear forms in my eyes. He notices it and stops kissing me.

"If you don't want this just say it."

"No... That's not it"
I gasp.


"I'm just happy.."
I was. Even if it was painful.

"If you're fine with it..then-"
He kisses my nape.

"I'm f-fine..make me yours..Sukuna."
I say desperately with my voice shaking.

He licks the tear that had fallen on my cheeks and kisses me again I kiss him back. I want to be his. I want to be someone important to this person. And I want him to be mine too.

This time he takes his time and slowly pushes his thing in me giving me time to adjust against his huge size. It feels like his thing has filled me up to my stomach.

I gritted my teeth.

His other dick was poking my ass. I had almost forgotten that he had a monstrous appearance that I loved. He had four arms and two cocks.  It was enough to kill me in pleasure but I loved the sensation of rush that was going through my mind.

"I'll make you, even more, happier then."
His second dick enters my ass. I didn't know that it could even fit in there.  He starts moving to thrust his thing in and out at a gentle pace first. Then he stopped playing nice when he noticed I was getting too comfortable. He keeps pushing his length against my weak spot through my pussy and ass. Also while playing with my breasts and sensitive spot on my bit with his hands. It was more than enough to drive me crazy, with this overstimulation. I suddenly feel shock travel through my body down my legs.

"I-It feels weird- it's-"
I cry out.

"Shhh, it means your body loves my cock."
He kisses me to help me cope when my legs were violently trembling.

My entire body goes numb with my legs shaking. I finally feel a sense of relief, my body relaxes. He pulls out and I see something white all over my lady bits and in the water.

[Non-Nsfw Version]

We made love, and after that draining but full of affection time we had we both wash up and get out together. I had some problem walking but he helped me. As he should. It was his fault that I couldn't walk properly after all.

We both sit down at the dinner table.

"Oh and that reminds me, we're leaving tomorrow so gather up anything you want to take."
He wipes the blood off his mouth.

"But where are we going?"
I ask.

"All around Japan."
He picks cleans his teeth with the edge of a sharp bone.

"So we won't be coming back here?"
I stop eating.

"Do you not want to leave Y/n?"
He stops and looks at me.

"No it's not that, it's just this place has been easy to get adjusted to but I'd follow you anywhere."
I glance at the empty plate then at him.

"Follow me to your death then."

He kisses my palm.

"You don't need to tell me that I'd do it anyway."

He lets out a small laugh.

"So when do we leave?"
I pick up my plate.

"Early morning, so eat all you want now, we'll be travelling through the mountains."
He gets up and walks up to me.

"Okay! But what should we take with us?"
I wonder.

"Normal or Fancy clothes whatever you want from this castle, food that can be stored and anything else you like I'll carry all the bags so you don't have to worry."
He offers me his hand.

"Thanks but I don't need much, I may have good memories from this place but all I need is you by my side Sukuna."
I take it.

We both smile at the same time. Life wasn't always this easy. But now it was. I wasn't alone.

Sukuna x Y/n || An Ancient BondWhere stories live. Discover now