19.Love over good

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We both get up and walk through all the sorcerers trying to catch us killing them one by one. How foolish. It was nothing more to us than killing flies. A sea of blood is what's the most appropriate term for what the scenery looked like. Then came Yuji all chained up being dragged by his own friend in shame. I told him this was exactly what was going to happen to him. And it did. He should've taken my hand when I offered it.

"Stop this Y/n-san. We don't need to fight over this if you just come with us. We'll even accept you as a jujutsu sorcerer despite being a curse."
Megumi tries to negotiate.

"And what about Sukuna? You guys wanted to get rid of me and him, right? You want me to leave him, my only happiness. You just want me to be miserable all alone again."
I tilt my head looking at Megumi, he was starting to get on my nerves.

"You guys.."
Yuji who was shackled looks at me and Sukuna and tries to convince them otherwise.
"We don't need to do this you all.. Just come back Y/n-san I don't care about Sukuna.. We all just want you. Even if it meant we'd have to tolerate him. "

"That's a big lie for a small boy like you Yuji."
I hold Sukuna hand.

We see Gojo coming from the back. Do they still think they can win? How adorable.

"Domain expansion. Unlimited void."
Gojo expands his domain.

"Y/n-san.. I really liked you."
Nobara takes out her hammer.

"Oh I like you too, all three of you, that's why I'm not going to kill you."
I know Gojo can't maintain his domain for long enough. I'll just buy us some time until then.

Megumi's shikigami surrounded us as Nobara also charged in. I wink at Sukuna. We both just stand there. They almost reach us. Gojo walks up and grabs my hand.
"Now be a good girl and come back Y/n."

They both stop and put the restraints on us. One second has passed Gojo's domain fades away. I look at Sukuna and he looks at me as we both smile breaking the chain along with the curse energy restricting  shikigami placed on us and say together,

"Ryoiki Tenkai, Malevolent Shrine."

"Ryoiki Tenkai, A thousand years prison."

It was something special to us, we could merge our domains into one overpowering one. It wasn't as flashy as Gojo's but combined it more powerful and longer-lasting than his.

All the cursed energy from my domain in the form of blood engulfs those four, it was hard to escape but not life-threatening, since I don't want to kill them yet. Unless they make me. I and Sukuna were standing on top of the pile of bones from his domain and watching them trapped in a box full of blood and cursed chains.

"You think I can't break out of here?"
Gojo looks up at me.

I look down and smile.
"No, you can't. Feel free to try though. I wouldn't recommend that, the chains will tighten the more you struggle. You may be able to be fine but I don't think Megumi and Nobara could defend themselves. And Yuji's just immortal so."

They both try to struggle but stop as they realise I wasn't joking.

"Gambare, Gambare."
Sukuna taunts them.

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