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He takes the umbrella from me.

We took a long way back and reach the back entrance near the parking lot.

"Maybe. . . you were right." I slip my hand into his front pocket and take out the packet of cigarettes.

"About?" He stops and folds the umbrella taking out the lighter from his other pocket.

"About me trying to save everyone. When it's not my job to do so." He lights my cigarette for me. I've never been a fan of drugs or smoking but at moments it calms helps me calm down.

But that doesn't mean we haven't tried stuff.  We'd occasionally get high and stir up some trouble with humans. It was fun to mess with them. What fun?
From gambling with humans and making them lose all their money to hunting down curses and killing them.

"Being too nice can be a dangerous thing sometimes Y/n."He holds one in his mouth and presses the tip of his cigarette on mine.

Was this what you call conveying your grief while sharing a cigarette? Not really.
It was sharing a cigarette but in a sexier way.

Our organs wouldn't rot away. We could do whatever we wanted. If we wanted to.

My phone rings, it was Yuji. He asked us to come to the general ward. So we both made our way there.

"Hey, Y/n. . .Sukuna."
Yuji was sitting on the bed next to an asleep Gojo.

"Don't speak loudly. He just fell asleep it would be a pain to handle him crying again." Megumi warns us. He looked tired, he did have to take care of these two kids being a nuisance again.

Then again we were probably the first people who have ever seen 'the strongest' or so used to cry.

Yuji joined him in crying too. You could tell from his swollen eyes. There was a slight redness around Megumi's eyes too.

"You guys go sleep. I can look over him for you. I'm not tired yet." I place my hand on Yuji's shoulder assuring him.

"Okay- thank you Y/n. . ." he and Megumi take the empty beds next to Gojo and draw the curtains. I take a deep breath and pull the covers to cover the pale looking man in deep slumber.

"Don't tell me you're planning to stay here." A hand around my hip pulls me back, away from Gojo's bed.

"Can't we just leave tomorrow. . .can I have this last night together? With them and you? Please don't make me chose between them and you. You know I'd chose you-" he pulls me in his lap and buries his face on my back.

"I'd do anything for you Y/n. Waiting for a night is nothing." He sniffs me.

"Hey! I'm not even wearing any perfume-"
He covers my mouth with his fingers.

"I like the way you smell. Like mine."
His soft wet tongue on my skin after the rain is like ecstasy. Only better.

Don't tell me he plans to go ahead with everyone sleeping in this room. Gojo was literally in front of us, Yuji and Megumi on the beds next to him only separated by a thin curtain. Was this my punishment for being demanding? For being selfish?


He doesn't stop and his tongue travels down my back, tracing my spine. His hands holding mine, preventing me to break free.

"N-not in front of-" I try to tell him to stop. But I knew him too well that it was pointless to ask.

"They're asleep. Unless you make a noise they won't wake up. . .so the question is can you keep quiet?"
He pulls my hands behind my back holding them in place and softly cups my breast with his other hand.

"Your nipples. . . how cute they're poking desperately trying to get out of your shirt." He moves his finger around my flesh in a circular motion.

What if Gojo woke up? He wasn't facing our side but what if he woke up?

My nipples felt tingly from his fingers touching them.

"This isn't enough to make you lose control huh?"
He growls in my ear before he lets my hands go.

I thought for a moment he wasn't gonna go any further.

What a fool I was.

He continues playing with my breast and slides his other hand in my underwear. I grit my teeth and instinctively bend forward at the sensation of his fingers on my sensitive spot. I try to stop him by placing my hand on his and pulling it away but regardless it didn't work.

"Ah- you're not gonna listen to me are you-" I bite my lip looking down at his hand that started to move and stimulate my sweet spot.

"You think I'll listen to you?"
He scoffs and kisses the edge of my shoulder making his way up my neck. Of course, he knows that I'm the one who listens and me ordering him around was never gonna work. But it was fun being in control for him, even if it was for a short time.

He drives me insane with his fingers pleasuring my clit and also play with my breasts at the same time. A pool of heat was forming in my lower abdomen.

Just before I could climax he pulled my panties down all the way and inserted a finger. I couldn't keep my voice to myself and ended up cursing him.

"Ah. Fuck-"
But he pulled my face back and kissed me to suppress my moans.

"You're not allowed to climax until I say so."
Satisfying him was a joke. He only wanted to see me weak and submissive towards him as had control over my orgasm.

He shut me up with a kiss after seeing my face dripping with sweat and embarrassment while allowing finally orgasm.

Sukuna knew he treated me meanly and took me to the room next door which was completely empty with just a bed at the centre. The A/C was on and it was almost freezing cold inside. He took off his and my clothes because they were wet. He then pulls a blanket over us and lets me cuddle and rub my cold feet against his until I fall asleep.

The next morning he got up before me and got us new clothes. We got dresses up and decided to go check on the kids.

"Hey, Y/n! Sukuna. . ."
Yuji and Megumi greet us in front of Nobara's door.

"Good morning."
Sukuna replies.

That was something even I didn't expect from his mouth. He must have really been satisfied after bullying me last night huh-

Even Yuji and Megumi were questioning whether they were going deaf or did they just hear Sukuna say that.

"You're really happy huh-"
I look at him.

'Not sure what you mean Y/n. But yes, may be in a better mood because of you." He holds the door open for me.

I take his offer and go in but he lets it go as soon as he's in and it hits Yuji in the face.

Nobara laughs and holds her stomach as she watched all of it.

"Pfft- Yuji you never learn!!!" She gets up.

"Ah! Shut up Kugisaki! It's his fault in the first place to let it go without any warning!" A red mark on his skin was visible.

"But anyway why did you guys come here?"
I ask the trio.

"We were thinking. . . about stay with you forever Y/n!"
They all look at each other smile and answer together.

I have never been more confused in my entire life. What do they mean forever?

Sukuna x Y/n || An Ancient BondWhere stories live. Discover now