03.A human living with a curse

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"If you're going to live forever it wouldn't be too much of me to ask you to spend your time with me till the day I wither away and die, would it?"

I ask him.

"Is this your weird way of asking me to marry you?"

He smirks.

"Who'd marry a curse?"

I chuckled.

We heard some noises nearby maybe humans.

"Hey!! What are you doing here this place is forbidden to enter-"


Some woman yells and all the men charge towards us with their swords drawn.

"Quickly kill that girl and that wicked curse! I'm sure she's as evil as him!"

Huh? We aren't even doing anything to them why are they attacking us!?

A man comes close to stabbing me when Sukuna grabs onto the sword with his bare hands.

How could human's be such disgusting creatures, but then I remembered that they're humans after all flawed and weak.

Sukuna's mood was ruined I could tell he was not happy to be interrupted. I felt a slight chill down my spine as he placed his hand on my shoulder and asked.

"Do you want to see these people die?"

He whispered in my ear in a deep voice.

"I'd prefer not to."

As soon as I say this he covers my eyes with his hand hugging me from the back.

After that, all I could hear was human's screams and the sound of bodies falling to the ground.

He moves his hand after it's done and all I can see is a puddle of red.

He hugs me with both his hands resting on my shoulder and his chin on my head.

"Did you feel bad for these humans?"

He asks.

"I couldn't care less about some idiotic humans dying because of their own foolishness."

That answer sparked curiosity and joy in his eyes.

"You truly are amusing."

He carries me again as we fly off into the sky.

I lay my head on his chest.

"Are you tired?"

He asks.

"Anyone would be."

I sigh.

His chest, his rough hands gently holding me and warmth felt comforting even if he wasn't a human.

While we were flying he asks me,

"Is there anywhere you want to go?"

Now that was something I wasn't prepared to answer. I had no idea what I wanted to do much less anywhere I'd want to go. Then it hit me.

"Can we go to the graveyard near the shrine?"

I ask.

"That's a weird request but fine."

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